Конструкция There is / There are Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной http://myenglishsite.ru/
+ There is / There are There is Что? Где? There is a sofa Единственное число There is Что? Где? There is a sofa in the room . В комнате есть диван.
+ There is / There are There are Что? Где? There are in the room . Множественное число There are Что? Где? There are in the room . two sofas В комнате есть два дивана.
- There is / There are There is no Что? Где? There is no sofa Единственное число There is no Что? Где? There is no sofa in the room. В комнате нет диванa.
- There is / There are no Что? Где? There are no sofas in the room. Множественноеое число no Что? Где? There are There are no sofas in the room. В комнате нет диванов.
? Is there Что? Где? Is there a sofa in the room ? В комнате есть Единственное число Is there Что? Где? Is there a sofa in the room ? В комнате есть диван?
? Are there Что? Где? Are there any sofas in the room ? В комнате есть Множественное число Are there Что? Где? Are there any sofas in the room ? В комнате есть диваны?
-Is there one armchair in the room? -Yes, there is.
-Is there one window in the room? -Yes, there is.
-Is there one chair in the room? -No, there isn’t.
-Are there two chairs in the room? -Yes, there are.
-Are there two lamps in the room? -No, there aren’t.
- Fill in: There is / There are a bird in the tree. two cats on the sofa. a dog on the floor. three books on the shelf. five pens in the pencil case. a rubber and a ruler on the table. two chairs and a sofa in the living room. a lamp and some books o the desk. There is There are There is There are There are There is There are There is
-Are there four chairs in the room? Look, ask and answer. four chairs ? -Are there four chairs in the room? -Yes, there are.
-Is there one lamp in the room? Look, ask and answer. one lamp ? -Is there one lamp in the room? -No, there isn’t.
-Are there any cats in the room? Look, ask and answer. any cats ? -Are there any cats in the room? -No, there aren’t.
-Are there two pictures in the room? Look, ask and answer. two pictures ? -Are there two pictures in the room? -Yes, there are.
-Is there one carpet in the room? Look, ask and answer. one carpet? -Is there one carpet in the room? -No, there isn’t.