Mother Sauces By Kayla Yeo
Béchamel Also known as White Sauce Is made by thickening white milk with a simple white roux ( is a substance created by cooking wheat flour and fat (traditionally butter) as the thickening agent. Generally used in baked pastas (lasagna, casseroles etc) Most commonly used as the base of white, creamy or cheesy sauces
Veloute This sauce forms a base for other mother sauces Made by thickening white stock with roux and simmering it for a while Some other sauces this can turn into Suprême Sauce, Allemende Sauce, White Wine Sauce Generally used with chicken, fish, and pasta Small sauces from velouté can be made from the velouté, or from the 3 secondary sauces.
Brown Similar to Veloute sauce Also known as Espagnole The difference between the two sauces is that espagnole is made with tomato purée and mirepoux for deeper color and flavor. This sauce can be further refined into an extremely flavourful sauce called demi- glace Demi-glace is the starting point for most other sauces Most commonly known as HP sauce and used for break- fast foods, like bacon or can be used on chips and baked Beans
Tomato Resembles the tomato sauce you put on pizza, but with twice the flavour and twice the steps to make it. Traditionally they used roux to thicken the tomato sauce, but most chefs just use the tomato themselves to thicken the sauce since the tomato its self is thick You can make other sauces from the classic tomato sauce these sauces include Spanish Sauce Creole Sauce Portuguese Sauce Provençale Sauce This sauce is generally used for all pastas.
Hollandaise Unlike the other mother sauces All the sauce really is, is a thickening agent and liquid. A tangy, buttery sauce made by slowly whisking clarified butter into warm egg yolks. the butter is the liquid and the yolks are the thickening agent Is an emulsified sauce in meaning two generally ingredients (liquids) that don’t ordinarily go together Can be served on its own, but is generally served with seafood, eggs and veggies.
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