Restaurant Marketing A Restaurant Without A Marketing Plan Is Like A Ship Without A Rudder… It Will Drift Aimlessly
Seven Steps in Developing a Marketing Plan Establish overall objective Identify your business’ strengths & weaknesses List the alternative strategies available to you Select the best strategy Develop a detailed plan of action Implement the plans Evaluate the results of your efforts
Life Cycle of a Business Stage 1 Introduction Business is just started, you are trying to become an established operation while perfecting, or working out the “kinks” in your plan.
Life Cycle of a Business Stage 2 Conservative Growth As more people begin learning of your business, you will see a period of slow, steady growth. You try some new ideas to attract more people.
Life Cycle of a Business Stage 3 Rapid Growth Word is out of your unique establishment and the good food & service you provide. As popularity grows, so do your sales. Competitors will begin to take notice of you.
Life Cycle of a Business Stage 4 Leveled Maturity You face much more direct competition as others begin to copy your ideas. Growth stops, you plateau, & you must try to keep your share of the market.
Life Cycle of a Business Stage 5 Rejuvenation OR Decline While your competitors take your ideas, they go one step further…they IMPROVE on them. You must then do one of two things: Reinvent your business with new ideas that will bring you back in the lead, OR Your establishment’s business will decline
Know what your customer’s wants and needs are and cater to them KNOW YOUR MARKET Know what your customer’s wants and needs are and cater to them
Market Research Really Pays Off! KNOW YOUR MARKET Market Research Really Pays Off! Demographics – facts about the people in your marketing area; knowing your customers and how you can better serve them. -Where do they live and work? Commuters or Townies?- -Average income – will they be eating out often?- -Education – will they understand your concept?- -Social – do what others are attracted to dictate what they will be doing?-
KNOW YOUR MARKET Observe! Check out other establishments in your area…ask questions of wait staff, other patrons, and pay attention to what it is that may bring customers to that establishment. Don’t Be Shy… What is the concept? – How much seating capacity? How long did it take to be seated/served?- Friendly? Cost = Quality? – Variety in Menu? – Pleasant ambience?
The Most Effective Form of Advertising is Getting them in… You can also gain new customers by exceeding the expectations of your present customers on a consistent basis The Most Effective Form of Advertising is Word of Mouth
In House Advertising Table Tents Lobby Posters to announce future events Theme Nights (especially with participation) Coupons Buy __________ get _____________ Dry-Run Party Telephone Advertising - Cold Calls (banquet rooms & packages)