Proposal for CARPE Program Lessons Learned Initiative Led by IUCN


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Presentation transcript:

Proposal for CARPE Program Lessons Learned Initiative Led by IUCN By Kenneth ANGU ANGU/ David YANGGEN

Context of CARPE Program Lessons Learned The CARPE Program is implemented by a large number of institutional actors operating in widely dispersed and typically geographical remote areas of nine countries This makes it very difficult for individual actors to both share the results of their activities as well as to learn from their experiences;

Rationale for Lessons Learned Provide a feedback mechanism to the program so that all the program’s actors can benefits from one another’s experiences and thereby improve their own interventions Allow for non-CARPE partners to learn from the CARPE experience

Rationale for Lessons Learned Inform host governments of CARPE activities and support national institutions to carry on the work of the CARPE after the program ends Encourage CARPE partners to engage in an analytical reflection concerning their own activities thereby promoting a process of learning and adaptation during the implementation of the CARPE program.

Key Challenges to Implementing an Initiative of Lessons Learned Human resources: most of CARPE’s partners are already heavily charged with work and adding an additional major task could prove overly burdensome; However, using outside experts such as consultants or students may cost a lot of money and take a lot of time;

Lessons learned are to be generated quickly and efficiently to provide feedback to the program itself; Outsiders would take long time, be more costly and unlikely to provide high quality work as CARPE partners due to their general lack of intimate familiarity with the local context and individual programs.

Overview of Proposed Lessons Learned Initiative The proposed lessons learned program will attempt to harmonize the key constraints of human resources, money, time and quality The proposed solution is a hybrid that uses both outside experts as well as CARPE partners

Key Element of this proposal Limited number of central thematic areas will be chosen for the analysis of lessons learned Different institutions will each be asked to present a very brief case study for a small number of these thematic areas Each thematic area will have three short case studies An outside expert will then be invited to write an introduction for each thematic area, synthesize the lessons learned of the three case studies and generate some general conclusions and recommendations.

In the case of the landscapes (CARPE IR1), six thematic areas are being proposed for case studies : Landscape Land Use Planning Protected Area Land Use Planning Community Forest Land Use Planning Forest Concession Land Use Planning Stakeholder Engagement in the Process of Land Use Planning The Role of Alternative Livelihood for Achieving a People-Centered Approach to Conservation.

In order to reduce the human resource burden and increase the timeliness, the proposal is to address three of the six thematic areas in year one and the other three in year two; As there are four institutions who act as landscape consortium leads, each of these institutions would be responsible for 1-2 of the case studies per year; As each of the case studies is proposed to be only seven double spaced pages long (about 3 pages and a half), this would not constitute an overly burdensome additional work load for the landscape partners.

Two proposed policy and governance (CARPE IR2) based case study sets are as follows: The Promotion of a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation The Use of Small Grants to Build Civil Society Capacity to Support Conservation

IUCN and the Focal Points will implement the two casestudies For the National Policy and Governance, a minimum of four case studies would be presented in each of the four focal point presence countries (DRC, ROC, Gabon and Cameroon), with the inclusion of other CARPE countries to the degree feasible In the case of the Small Grants, the proposed goal is to have a brief case study from each of the nine CARPE countries. They will be written by recipients and edited by the respective IUCN focal point or consultant for the country in question

Case studies would be brief: about seven double spaced pages and would have an outside author to write an introduction, synthesis of lessons learned and recommendation section that ties each set of case studies together There are, however, some cross-cutting lessons learned themes concerning monitoring (CARPE IR3) which do not necessarily lend themselves to a case study approach. These would then be stand alone lessons learned and each one slightly longer roughly 10-12 pages double spaced

Candidates for these cross-cutting monitoring (IR3) lessons learned section are as follows: Monitoring and Evaluation Method for the Global CARPE program (USAID) Forest Concession Monitoring (WRI) Satellite Mapping and GIS to support Large Scale Conservation (NASA/UMD)

Summary of Advantages of Proposed Approach to Lessons Learned Some key advantages of this proposed approach are as follows: Allows CARPE partners to present their work but not burdensome in human resource requirements or financial cost Allows timely generation of lessons learned: one half in by the end of the first year and the other half by the end of year two

Structure allows multiple ways of presenting lessons learned: stand alone case study documents, stand alone thematic area documents and publication of a single document containing the ensemble of lessons learned; Permitting shorter stand alone case study and thematic areas lessons learned will allow quicker production of results in the form of flyers or posted on the web sites.

Proposal offers individuals and partner institutions the opportunity to author publications; It covers the entire CARPE program, notably the three IR’s in a systematic manner; It ensures harmonization of the structure of presenting lessons learned across the different component areas of the CARPE program (see below).

Detailed Outline of Lessons Learned Reporting The lessons learned would be both stand alone documents as well as compiled into a master document of lessons learned.

Lessons Learned from the Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) The following outline provides a proposed structure of a Master document as well as for stand alone case studies and thematic areas documents. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION SECTION A: LANDSCAPE NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND LAND USE PLANNING LESSONS LEARNED

CHAPTER TWO: LANDSCAPE LAND USE PLANNING 2.1 Overview of Landscape Land Use Planning Lessons Learned (7 pgs, USFS.) 2.1.1 Introduction to Landscape Land Use Planning and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs) Landscape Land Use Planning Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #1) Introduction: Overview of the Landscape (3-4 pgs) Landscape Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

Landscape Land Use Planning Case Study 2 (7 pgs, NGO #2) Introduction: Overview of the Landscape (3-4 pgs) Landscape Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) Landscape Land Use Planning Case Study 3 (7 pgs, NGO #3)

CHAPTER THREE: PROTECTED AREA LAND USE PLANNING Protected Area Land Use Planning (7 pgs, Outside Author) Introduction to Protected Areas Land Use Planning and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs) Protected Area Land Use Planning Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #4) Introduction: Overview of the Protected Area (3-4 pgs) Protected Area Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

Protected Area Land Use Planning Case Study 2 (7 pgs, NGO #1) Introduction: Overview of the Protected Area (3-4 pgs) Protected Area Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) Protected Area Land Use Planning Case Study 3 (7 pgs, NGO #2)

CHAPTER FOUR: COMMUNITY FOREST LAND USE PLANNING Community Forest Land Use Planning (7 pgs, Outside Author) Introduction to Community Forest Land Use Planning and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs) Community Forest Land Use Planning Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #3) Introduction: Overview of the Community Forest (3-4 pgs) Community Forest Area Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

Community Forest Land Use Planning Case Study 2 (7 pgs, NGO #4) Introduction: Overview of the Community Forest (3-4 pgs) Community Forest Area Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) Community Forest Land Use Planning Case Study 3 (7 pgs, NGO #1)

CHAPTER FIVE: FOREST CONCESSION LAND USE PLANNING Forest Concession Land Use Planning (7 pgs, Outside Author) Introduction to Forest Concession Land Use Planning and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs) Forest Concession Land Use Planning Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #2) Introduction: Overview of the Forest Concession (3-4 pgs) Forest Concession Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

Forest Concession Land Use Planning Case Study 2 (7 pgs, NGO #3) Introduction: Overview of the Forest Concession (3-4 pgs) Forest Concession Land Use Planning Methodology (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) Forest Concession Land Use Planning Case Study 3 (7 pgs, NGO #4)

CHAPTER SIX: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT IN THE PROCESS OF LAND USE PLANNING Stakeholder Engagement in the Process of Land Use Planning (7 pgs, Outside Author) Introduction to Stakeholder Engagement in the Process of Land Use Planning and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs) Stakeholder Engagement in the Process of Land Use Planning Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #1) Introduction: Overview of the Landscape (2-3 pgs) Stakeholder Engagement Methodology (3-4 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

Stakeholder Engagement in the Process of Land Use Planning Case Study 2 (7 pgs, NGO #2) Introduction: Overview of the Landscape (2-3 pgs) Stakeholder Engagement Methodology (3-4 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) Stakeholder Engagement in the Process of Land Use Planning Case Study 2 (7 pgs, NGO #3)

CHAPTER SEVEN: THE ROLE OF ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOOD FOR ACHIEVING A PEOPLE-CENTERED APPROACH TO CONSERVATION. The Role of Alternative Livelihoods for Achieving a People-Centered Approach to Conservation (7 Pgs, Outside Author) The Use of Alternative Livelihoods for Achieving a People-Centered Approach to Conservation and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs) The Role of Alternative Livelihoods for Achieving a People-Centered Approach to Conservation Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #4) Introduction: Overview of the Intervention Zone (2-3 pgs) Alternative Livelihoods Methodology (3-4 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

The Role of Alternative Livelihoods for Achieving a People-Centered Approach to Conservation Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #1) Introduction: Overview of the Intervention Zone (2-3 pgs) Alternative Livelihoods Methodology (3-4 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) The Role of Alternative Livelihoods for Achieving a People-Centered Approach to Conservation Case Study 1 (7 pgs, NGO #2)

SECTION B: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE CHAPTER EIGHT: THE PROMOTION OF A NATIONAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE AGENDA FOR CONSERVATION Promotion of a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation (7 Pgs, Outside Author) The Importance of Promoting a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation and the CARPE Approach (3-4 pgs) Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) Recommendations (1-2 pgs)

The Promotion of a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation Case Study DRC (7 pgs, DRC Focal Point) Introduction: Overview of the Policy and Governance Context in DRC (3-4 pgs) Methodology for Promoting a Policy and Governance Agenda (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) The Promotion of a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation Case Study ROC (7 pgs, ROC Focal Point) Introduction: Overview of the Policy and Governance Context in ROC (3-4 pgs)

The Promotion of a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation Case Study Gabon (7 pgs, ROC Focal Point) Introduction: Overview of the Policy and Governance Context in Gabon (3-4 pgs) Methodology for Promoting a Policy and Governance Agenda (2-3 pgs) Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) The Promotion of a National Policy and Governance Agenda for Conservation Case Study Cameroon (7 pgs, Cameroon Focal Point) Introduction: Overview of the Policy and Governance Context in Cameroon (3-4 pgs)

CHAPTER NINE: THE USE OF SMALL GRANTS TO BUILD CIVIL SOCIETY CAPACITY TO SUPPORT CONSERVATION The Use of Small Grants to Build Civil Society Capacity to Support Conservation (7pgs, Outside Author) 9.1.1 The Importance of Building Civil Society for Conservation and the CARPE Approach to Using Small Grants to Achieve this Goal (3-4 pgs) 9.1.2 Synthesis of Lessons Learned (2-3 pgs) 8.1.3 Recommendations (1-2 pgs)

9.2 The Use of Small Grants to Build Civil Society Capacity to Support Conservation Case Study DRC (7pgs, DRC Focal Point and Small Grant Recipient) 9.2.1 Objective of the Small Grant (3-4 pgs) 9.2.2 Methodology of the Small Grant (2-3 pgs) 9.2.3 Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) 9.3 The Use of Small Grants to Build Civil Society Capacity to Support Conservation Case Study ROC (7pgs, ROC Focal Point and Small Grant Recipient) 9.3.1 Objective of the Small Grant (3-4 pgs) 9.3.2 Methodology of the Small Grant (2-3 pgs) 9.3.3 Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

The Use of Small Grants to Build Civil Society Capacity to Support Conservation Case Study Gabon (7pgs, Gabon Focal Point and Small Grant Recipient) 9.4.1 Objective of the Small Grant (3-4 pgs) 9.4.2 Methodology of the Small Grant (2-3 pgs) 9.4.3 Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs) 9.5 The Use of Small Grants to Build Civil Society Capacity to Support Conservation Case Study Cameroon (7pgs, Cameroon Focal Point and Small Grant Recipient) 9.5.1 Objective of the Small Grant (3-4 pgs) 9.5.2 Methodology of the Small Grant (2-3 pgs) 9.5.3 Lessons Learned (1-2 pgs)

SECTION C: MONITORING OF NATURAL RESOURCES CHAPTER TEN: MONITORING AND EVALUATION METHOD FOR THE GLOBAL CARPE PROGRAM (12 pgs, USAID) Introduction: The Challenges of Monitoring and Evaluation of a Large Conservation Program such as CARPE (3-5 pgs) 10.2 Methodology of Monitoring and Evaluation (4-6 pgs) 10.3 Lessons Learned (2-4 pgs)

CHAPTER ELEVEN: FOREST CONCESSION MONITORING (12 pgs, WRI) Introduction: The Need for Forest Concession Monitoring (3-5 pgs) Methodology of Forest Concession Monitoring (4-6 pgs) Lessons Learned (2-4 pgs) CHAPTER ELEVEN: THE USE OF SATELLITE MAPPING AND GIS TO SUPPORT LARGE SCALE CONSERVATION (12 pgs, NASA/UMD) Introduction: The Use of Satellite Mapping and GIS for Large Scale Conservation Initiatives (3-5 pgs) Methodology of Satellite Mapping and GIS used for CARPE (4-6 pgs)