GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND ECONOMY – A NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? Emilija Manic, PhD, Associate Professor The Faculty of Economics University of Belgrade
Introduction What is GIS? GIS and economics Upgrading GIS in public sector and business Ireland and Serbia – two GIS cases
What is Geographic Information System (GIS)? a technological tool for comprehending geography and making intelligent decisions
What is Geographic Information System (GIS)? Calculations (distance, slopes, averages,…) Performing mathematical functions on geospatial data (descriptive statistics) Make thematic maps Building models (what-if scenarios)
GIS and economy foster learning, enhance public policy, facilitate business decisions, and enhance private/public sector collaboration Since the 1980s', widely applied in: resources management and allocation environmental modeling urban planning and management land information system emergency response (disaster recovery and mitigation) education and health business and marking facilities management network system analysis visualization
GIS and economy – sustainable development Public sector Planning and manage public policies in deferent areas Monitoring within different spatial levels (national, regional, local) Business sector Strategic development plans Market analysis (customer targeting and geodemographic analysis) Process optimization
Upgrading GIS in public sector and business Integration of modeling tools within a GIS environment data ⇒ information ⇒ intelligence ⇒ action “Intelligent GIS” vs. Proprietary GIS Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS): IS that is possible to queried and quoted at any moment for planning and decision-making analysis of regional development superiority, advantaged conditions, restricted factors and potential the status diagnosis of industrial structure, product structure and spatial structure and the trend analysis for further optimizing and adjusting comprehensive development straight
Why should you use GIS in economy? the cost savings in the public and private sectors (reduction in administrative costs in public service provision, intensifying competition by lowering search costs) the value of time savings (use of geospatial navigation devices in guiding individuals to their location) the impacts on competition and innovation (potential role of GIS in stimulating innovation) specific areas of impact (e.g value of lives saved from faster emergency response times and reduced carbon emissions) improve aspects of planning and decision making (not amenable to quantification) - interactive visualization and decision-support tool to directly support economic planning.
The Case: Ireland “Assessment of the Economic Value of the Geospatial Information Industry in Ireland “ Indecon International Economic Consultants and Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2014
The Case: Ireland
The Case: Serbia National Infrastructure of Geographic Data (NIGD) – GIS a part of the structure (Ministry of Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure) Republic Geodetic Authority (Address Register and The Register of Residential Communities) National level of administration (ministries, agencies, institutions): Forestry, water system, mining, transport and construction, emergency response, police Limited presence in agriculture, tourism, regional development, health and social care, pension system, culture Local governments (The Law on Planning and Construction) – the content of the information systems
The Case: Serbia Business side of using GIS: Limited number of businesses Still expensive technology for Serbian market More present in the retail sector and insurance Possibilities in: trade, tourism, bank and insurance, logistic, marketing, transport,…
Conclusion Intention - GIS as a part of central information structure Future: The geospatial information industry is set to continue expanding with the emergence of new technologies and applications The increased availability of open/free data will facilitate more innovative uses of GI It is likely that product differentiation on the part of GI suppliers will be through adding layers of value to free data.
Geographic information systems and economy – a new technology for sustainable development? THANK YOU Emilija Manic, PhD, Associate Professor The Faculty of Economics University of Belgrade