Shapes of Molecules and Bonding
Writing frame for explaining the shape of a molecule: There are ______ areas of negative charge around the central ________ atom. These repel each other to the maximum distance to form a ________ arrangement. There are __________ bonded atoms and _________ non bonding electron pairs. This gives an overall __________ shape.
Explain why ICl5 is a square based pyramid There are six areas of negative charge around the central iodine atom. These repel each other to the maximum distance to form an octahedral arrangement. There are 5 bonded atoms and 1 non bonding electron pair. This gives an overall square based pyramid shape.
Symmetry of shapes New shapes – which are symmetrical? Symmetrical Asymmetrical Trigonal bipyramidal T-shaped See-saw Octahedral Square based pyramid Square planar Note: even if the shape is symmetrical, if the atoms that are bonded to the central atom are different to each other then the dipoles will not cancel.
Polarity of molecules Same as last year, but new shapes to discuss. Things to consider: Draw the Lewis diagram and name the shape Electronegativity of atoms (polarity of bonds) Symmetry of molecule Do charges overlap? Dipoles cancel? Determine the polarity
Predict and discuss the polarity of SF4 SF4 has polar bonds due to F having a higher electronegativity than S. The see-saw shape of SF4 is asymmetrical. Therefore, the centre of positive and negative charges do not Coincide. Therefore the dipoles do not cancel causing SF4 to be polar.