Godly Wisdom v. Worldly Wisdom Growing toward spiritual maturity A study of the epistle of James, James 3:13—18.
Spiritual Life Principle: Learning the difference between Godly & worldly wisdom is to discern good from godly and then act on it Spiritual Life Principle:
The Origin of Worldly Wisdom It is Earthly. Stems from man’s attempt to gain apart from God. Romans 1:20—21. IT IS REASON. It is Natural, or Unspiritual. Psychiatry & psychology come from this! It is Demonic, Counterfeit religions are full of demonic wisdom. Satan ~ the god of this world, 2 Cor. 4:4
The Operation of Worldly Wisdom Jealous Anger or Envy: Gal. 5:20; 1 Cor. 3:3; Pr. 3:31; 27:17; Mk. 7:22; Rom. 1:29. Selfish Ambition: a “party spirit.” Campaigning Proud Arrogance: Promotion of self Deceitful Actions: fabrications designed to make us look good.
The Outcome of Worldly Wisdom Confusion: found in 1:18, 3:8. “unruly, unstable.” sometimes to describe anarchy. God is not a God of Confusion, 1 Cor. 14:33. Every Evil Work: That which is “worthless” or “good for nothing.” Countered also by Paul, 2 Cor. 12:20 & John, Rev. 3:16—17.
The Origin of Godly Wisdom It is coming down from above. It is there for the believer’s taking if he is unwavering in his faith, James 1:5. “The wise one is the one who has given himself to Jesus Christ and keeps himself in submission to the will of God.” Dr. Jeremiah.
The Operation of Godly Wisdom It is Pure: No hidden agenda. It is Peaceable: Does not lead to strife. It is Gentle: “Velvet Steel.” Able to communicate hard truth with a soft tongue.
The Operation of Godly Wisdom It is Willing to Yield: Knows how to compromise It is Full of Mercy: Is not full of wrath. It is Fruitful in Good works: Faithfulness results in fruitfulness. It is Unwavering: it holds confident faith in God’s counsel.
The Outcome of Godly Wisdom A Harvest of Righteousness Proverbs 3:13, “Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.”
Spiritual Life Principle Application: Proverbs 2:2, 6, “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. For the LORD grants wisdom!” Apply yourself to learn wisdom and get understanding. Learn how to discern between good & Godly, then ACT on it.