Human Transformation Principles Q&A
Transformation Principles Human Transformation principles: Allow desire driven transformation from the human soul into a Divine soul Allow desire driven absorption of God's attributes by the human soul Allow the entire soul (both halves) to join in full self-awareness Assign the gift of immortality to the human soul who transforms Assign the potential of infinite expansion and expression to the human soul Summary
Transformation Principles Hierarchical universes can be constructed, each one governing and containing multiple previously existing universes of the lower hierarchical type Physical universes are the lowest human based hierarchical universes and are the physical and spiritual universes (complete with all spheres) able to be perceived through the senses of the physical and spiritual bodies Soul universe is the current highest human based hierarchical universe. It can only be perceived by the soul senses of a soul in a self-aware state and also contains unaware souls ready to incarnate Terms
Transformation Principles Transformation is the potentiality offered to the human soul with sincere and passionate desire to exceed its original created condition and potentials as a human, and to allow God's Personal Love to be absorbed by the soul in order to transform the soul into an immortal Divine creature with the potential of infinite expansion Transformation principles are the most complex of all of God's Principles Terms
Transformation Principles What transformation principles are Why transformation principles are applied to law The creation and Laws affected by transformation principles What transformation principles reveal about God Examples of transformation principles' applications in Law Questions About
Transformation Principles Human Transformation principles are the most highly complex principles governing God's Laws and God's Highest Creation, create laws that exist outside of all current universes, and also outside of any new potential universes that could exist Conclusion
Transformation Principles Transformation principles cont’d: Desire for and reception of God's Love is the human controlled mechanism by which transformation of the soul into a Divine creature occurs, and the transformed soul becomes completely self-aware, is assigned the gift of immortality and has the potential of infinite expansion and expression Conclusion
Transformation Principles Humans frequently justify & minimize desires, attitudes, emotions, thoughts and actions that oppose human transformation principles including: Rejecting God Rejecting God's Love Rejecting God's Truth Rejecting God's Principles and laws Rejecting faith … Conclusion
Transformation Principles cont’d: Rejecting the potential of a spiritual afterlife Agnostic or atheistic beliefs Religious beliefs in disharmony with God's Love and Truth Wilfully engaging unloving behaviour Desiring ignorance … Conclusion
Transformation Principles cont’d: Retaining human definitions of love Desiring to remain self reliant Believing 'I am God' Arrogance, narcissism, and desire to hold onto current self perception Holding onto emotions that resist the reception of love (from any source), etc Conclusion
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