Religion - 1 This religion: Believes Jesus is the Messiah Uses the cross and bible Is Monotheistic
Religion 2 This religion: Is found in tribal, rural areas The Native Americans are an example. They worship gods in nature.
Religion 3 This religion: Has many gods The Ganges River is holy Believes in Reincarnation, Karma, and has the Caste System in society
Religion 4 This religion: Has Abraham and Moses as its main figures Does NOT believe Jesus was the Messiah Is Monotheistic Worships in a Synagogue Is located in Israel
Religion 5 This religion Worships in a mosque Has Muhammad as the main figure Reads the Qu-ran Beliefs in the 5 pillars of faith
Religion 6 This religion: Is in Southeast Asia The main figure is Siddhartha Gautama They practice meditation and follow the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold Path
Religion 7 This religion: Is a combination of Hinduism and Islam It is located in Northern India They believe in equality and reject the Caste System of Hinduism
Religion 8 This religion: Is found in China A Chinese Philosopher named Confucius began it in 500 BCE It emphasizes education and order
Religion 9 Name the monotheistic religions. 1. 2. 3.
Religion 10 Name 2 Polytheistic Religions. 1. 2.
Religion Map 1 Which religion is located here?
Religion Map 2 Which religion is located here?
Religion Map 3 Which religion is located here?
Government 1 This type of country gives all of the power to a national government. Most governments are this type.
Government 2 This type of country gives authority to a national government AND each region or state also has a local government
Government 3 Oldest, most common Has dictators and absolute / totalitarian leaders It controls all social and economic life Examples: Hitler and the Nazi Party, Fidel Castro in Cuba, Kim Jong Un in North Korea
Government 4 Rulers get power through the Divine Right Theory Power is passed down through family There are 2 types: Absolute and Constitutional England is an example
Government 5 Democracy
Government 6 Traditional
Government 7 Oligarchy
Economy 1 Traditional
Economy 2 Market
Economy 3 Command
Economy 4 Mixed
Boundaries 1 What type of boundary is this?
Boundaries 2 What type of boundary is this?
Boundaries 3 What type of boundary is this?