War for Empire Historic sites in Pennsylvania Tour #1 A Photographic Tour of: Fort Necessity National Battlefield
Picnic area at Fort Necessity National Battlefield
Braddock Road Trace at the Fort Necessity National Battlefield Braddock Road Trace at the Fort Necessity National Battlefield. Braddock Road was built one year after the incident at Fort Necessity.
A portion of the original Braddock Road, built in 1755 A portion of the original Braddock Road, built in 1755. The Braddock expedition attempted to defeat the French at the forks of the Ohio, and capture Fort Duquesne.
Braddocks force of 1200 men met disaster eight miles from their destination, as a force of approximately 700 Indians and 200 French annihilated the British force.
Braddock was mortally wounded as George Washington organized the retreat.
Ft. Necessity Battlefield interpreters describe early events of the French and Indian War.
Child firing a wood chip “volley” at reenactor Child firing a wood chip “volley” at reenactor. Firing in a volley proved to be more effective than soldiers firing individually at the enemy.
Soldier from the 60th Royal American Regiment
Shelter inside fort: Used to keep supplies and protect men
Fort Necessity, built in 1754 by troops under George Washington, was the site of his only surrender.
Outside Fort Necessity:
The fort was really a small stockade built in a circle The fort was really a small stockade built in a circle. Washington selected this site in the “Great Meadows” because of a time factor. With a French retaliation imminent, there was no time to clear a forested area in order to build a fortress.
Shelter inside Fort Necessity
Visitors Center- Northeast of the fort.
Location of French line, southwest of fort
Washington met the enemy in the field outside the fort, ready to fight a traditional European style battle. The French and Indians took to the tree line and spread out around the fort. The British under Washington used the earthworks as cover during the all day battle. Late in the evening, under a steady rain, Washington agreed to surrender terms.
Soldiers Drilling
Soldiers Marching
Soldiers firing a volley
Over the shoulder volley
Average Tree size in 1754
Visitors Center with Flag
Archaeological Display
Robert Griffing original painting inside the Visitors Center: The British.
Jumonville Glen sign-six miles from Fort Necessity
The match that set the world on fire The match that set the world on fire. Site of George Washington’s surprise attack of a small French scouting party in 1754. This attack resulted in the death of the French diplomat Jumonville, at the hands of Washington’s Indian ally, Half-King. The French retaliated several weeks later, when a force of approximately 700 soldiers and French-allied Indians left Fort Duquesne, and attacked Washington’s ‘fort of Necessity.’