Mr. B’s Cheesy Joke of the day! Why couldn’t the astronaut book a room on the moon? Because it was full!
The Moon’s Phases
What do you already know about the Moon? What is a fact you already know about the Moon? What is a myth you have heard about the Moon?
Something to think about today… Why does the Moon’s lit surface change?
Time for a video break! Brain Pop
7 6 8 1 5 2 4 3 D C B A E F H G New Moon Waxing Crescent 1st Quarter Gibbous Full Moon Waning Gibbous 3rd Quarter Waning Crescent
Activity Time! Please draw what you see when you place the Moon in the different positions. I will model the stages A and B for you and then you can do the rest!
1. The Moon does not produce its own light 1. The Moon does not produce its own light. Explain why it is possible for us to see the Moon from Earth. The Moon reflects light produced by the Sun, causing us to be able to see it from Earth.
When the Moon is between the Earth and Sun we have a New Moon. 2. What is the name of the phase we have when the Moon is between the Earth and Sun? When the Moon is between the Earth and Sun we have a New Moon.
When the Earth is between the Moon and Sun we have a Full Moon. 3. What is the name of the phase we have when the Earth is between the Moon and Sun? When the Earth is between the Moon and Sun we have a Full Moon.
4. Approximately how long is the lunar cycle? The Lunar Cycle is approx. 1 month long. Orbital Period = 27.3 days
5. What term is used to describe when the illuminated portion of the moon is increasing? Decreasing? The term used to describe the Moon when the illuminated portion is increasing is called waxing. The term used to describe the Moon when the illuminated portion is decreasing is called waning.