Moon Phases Lesson 5
Two questions to consider: Could the Decepticons (Evil Transformers) hide from us on the moon? Is there a “Dark Side of the Moon”?
Relative Sizes of the SEM System Sun = 1,392,000 km (109 Earths wide) (391 Moons wide) Earth = 12,756 km Moon = 3500 km (¼ Earths wide)
Relative Distances of the SEM System Earth to Moon = 384,000 km Earth to Sun = 150,000,000 km Earth to Sun =100 cm Earth to Moon = 1/4 cm
Geometry of the SEM System
Set up for Inquiry 5.1 You should have the clamp lamp high enough so there are NO SHADOWS at position 5.
Big Ideas for Inquiry 5.1 The Moon is always half lit by the Sun. There were NO SHADOWS as the Moon orbited the Earth.
“Man in the Moon”
Why does the moon appear different as the days go on? (Abe’s Version) The Moon is always half lit by the Sun. As the Moon orbits the Earth we can see different portions of the lit side of the moon. In the case of a Full Moon Phase we see the entire side of the Moon that is lit. In the case of a New Moon Phase we don’t see any of the side of the Moon that is lit.
Waxing and Waning Waxing means to grow larger. Waning means to shrink.
Crescent and Gibbous A crescent is a shape that is less than half of a circle. A gibbous is a shape that is more than half of a circle.
“Oreo” Cookie Moon Phases (as seen from Earth)
“Oreo” Cookie Moon Phases Clean Up Instructions/questions – back to the table up front Cookie Sheet – use to study or recycle Paper towels, toothpicks and cookie crumbs – compost (please do not throw them away) Once you finish your “Oreo” Moon Phase Demonstration keep working on your Moon Phase Packet (this may be the last in-class work time).
Are the shapes shown even possible in the context of moon phases? Why do we have the misconception about moon phases being caused by Earth’s shadow? Are the shapes shown even possible in the context of moon phases? The above print is entitled “Moon Phase (Horizontal)”. What would be a better name for this piece of art?