Preparation Instructions Print these cards in color. The pictures on the top go with the descriptions underneath. Keep these parts together. Cut around the pictures and descriptions. Fold the picture over so that the picture shows on one side and the description on the opposite side. Glue the front and back together. Laminate the cards. To play, arrange the cards according to the pattern on the next slide. (Print a copy of this to go along with the cards.)
Card Positions for Game Play
Fountain Gate East Gate 6 9 (John 7:38) Streams of Living Water (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) should flow from us to bless others. Fountain Gate (Matthew 24:27) We should have hope because Jesus is coming again, and He said He would come again from the East. East Gate
Horse Gate Inspection Gate 8 10 Revelation 19:11) (2 Corinthians 10:3-4 & We should always be ready to do battle with spiritual forces of evil. Jesus will come again riding on a white horse. Horse Gate (1 John 1:9 & Revelation 22:12) We should allow God to review each day with us and confess any sins we commit. When Jesus comes again, He will reward us for our good works. Inspection Gate
7 5 (John 13:8-10) We are going to get dirty with the dust of the world on our Christian walk. We should wash every day in the Word of God by reading our Bibles. Water Gate (Hebrews 12:1) When God shows us what is sinful and bad in us, we should get rid of it like smelly garbage (or poop!) so that we can follow Jesus. Dung Gate
Sheep Gate Valley Gate 1 & 11 4 (John 1:29) Jesus went to the cross like a sacrificial lamb. We should remember that He died to pay for our sins. When we accept this gift, we become Christians. Sheep Gate (Psalm 23:4) Mountaintops are exciting, but valleys are hard. They represent the difficult things we go through that help us depend on God and make us stronger. Valley Gate
2 3 (Matthew 4:19) As followers of Jesus, He is calling us to become “fishers of men.” That means that we should try to help others know about Jesus. Fish Gate (Psalm 119:160) God’s Truth in His Word is older than time. We should study it every day to learn what God wants us to do. Old Gate