Education for Democracy
Education Department The Council of Europe The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation. It includes 47 member states, 28 of which are members of the European Union 50 States party to the ECC
Education Department Statutory Mission Promotion of human rights, rule of law and democracy through international conventions Coordination and concerted action by governments (CM) and national parliaments (PACE) Monitoring of member states’ progress Recommendations to public authorities through experts bodies
Education for Democracy Education Department Education for Democracy - Public Responsibility - 4 Major Purposes : - citizenship - economic activity - personal development - linguistic, cognitive, numerical abilities Access to Quality Education Democratic Culture
Cooperation cycle: Policy Development Education Department Cooperation cycle: Policy Development CoE Priority: Democracy Steering Body CDPPE Policy implement-ation Capacity Building Policy Design Standard setting Cross sectors policy action
Cooperation cycle: Evaluation & Review of standards implementation Education Department Cooperation cycle: Evaluation & Review of standards implementation Education for democracy: CM Recommendations CM Rec Charter on Citizenship and Human rights Education CM Rec on Gender mainstreaming in education CM Rec on the dimension of religions and non religious convictions in intercultural education CM Rec on ensuring quality education CM Rec on Education for Roma children and travellers
Cooperation cycle: Monitoring implementation of treaties Education Department Cooperation cycle: Monitoring implementation of treaties Right to education, anti-discrimination: Conventions Committee of experts on the Charter for Regional or Minority languages Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention for Protection of National minorities European Committee of Social rights European Court of Human Rights Committee of Ministers ECRI – European Commission against racism and intolerance
Monitoring: « Right to education » - Social Charter What ? Compliance of National laws Compliance of National policies and practices Violations of rights (Social Charter, ECHR) How? Periodic National Reports Comments from INGOs / Trade Unions Independent examinations followed by Conclusions on conformity or non conformity Individual complaints & collective complaints CM Recommendations to change the law and practice
Provisions of the Charter on the “Right to Education” As stipulated in the articles 10.1/ 10.2/15.1/17.1/17.2 of the European Social Charter: free primary and secondary education; free and effective vocational guidance services; access to initial training (general and vocational secondary education), university and non-university higher education, vocational training, including further training; special measures for foreign residents; integration of children with disabilities into mainstream schooling; access to education and vocational training for persons with disabilities.
Other Provisions on the « Right to Education » Art 12 of Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities - Measures in the fields of education and research to foster knowledge of the culture, history, language and religion of the national minorities and of the majority are taken; Art 7 & 8 of the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages - Appropriate forms and means for the teaching and study of regional or minority languages at all appropriate stages are in place ECtHR – Protocol 1 – Education in conformity with religious and philosophical convictions
Education Department Monitoring results: Engaging in continuous learning and action to improve laws & policies Member State level CoE level Piloting implementation of standards – Adapting strategies and policies Building ownership by stakeholders Increasing stakeholders capacities for greater impact Promoting networking and good practices, Removing barriers to regional cooperation Country Reports Thematic Reports SG Annual Report: State of Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in Europe
2nd SG Annual Report: State of Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in Europe Each member state is given two ratings for each area monitored by the report: generally “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”, and whether the trend on balance seems to be “Improving”, “Stable”, or “Deteriorating” 5 Best Performers: Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Portugal 16 Satisfactory 29 Unsatisfactory 2 No Data
Implications for action Education Department Implications for action Basis for joint action CoE and partners CoE – member states Coherence of action Shared reponsibility Recongnition of specific field of competence Complementarity Common understanding of working themes & specific approaches Policy debate at pan-European level 50 States (governements, parliaments, local authorities, civil society) Sharing information and results with partner Organisations _ Data collection Contributing to evaluation and measurement of progress based on the most advanced standards