The following is a presentation prepared for NASFAA’s 2016 National Conference in Washington, DC July 10 – 13, 2016
Institutional Work Study – Enhanced Student Experience Bridgette Betz, Director Moderator: Robert Berkelman, Work Study Coordinator Missouri University of Science and Technology
New NASFAA Federal Work Study Research
Missouri S&T’s Institutional Work Study Program
Background on FWS We generally have enough FWS to fund approximately 140 students each year We award it to the lowest EFC, who said they were interested, or didn’t know if they were interested in FWS and who complete the FAFSA by March 1 (we run out of funding at zero EFC) SFA works with the student get them placed in the department of their choice – no interview or job fair We have a long wait list each year of students
Background of IWP Goal of Campus Strategic Plan Based on recommendations from the Student Success Committee Received $80,000 from the UM System Comprehensive Retention Initiative (CRI) for 14-15 aid year Funded 30 low income students to work in ‘Champion’ departments on campus The purpose was to achieve a 1st to 2nd year retention rate at, or greater than, the rate of Pell eligible and/or the overall rate for the campus
Selecting ‘Champion’ Departments Student-engaged departments were selected to be ‘Champion’ departments based on their quality of service to the S&T students and campus community engagement. These were departments who we knew that they were already mentoring and guiding their student workers and took a vested interest in their success.
Selecting Students Low-income and/or Underrepresented Minority students were awarded at the time of packaging and it was included in their award letters (similar to FWS) Received requisitions from departments indicating what type of work they have available SFA called each of the 30 students over the summer and discussed their interests and job experiences SFA then paired the student up with a Champion department
‘Champion’ Department Requirements Mentor & Supervise Meet with student on a regular basis (at least quarterly) and touch base about work and school Encourage student to journal and provide resources when they need help Provide a performance evaluation that covered both work and IWP program activities
Student Requirements Fully participate in Opening Week Programs Participate in Reconnection I and II during their first semester Schedule at least one “in Person” meeting per semester with the Student Success Center Coordinator Keep a reflective journal during the first year
Student Requirements (cont) Choose one of the following: Attend one Miner Money Management session (Financial Lit) Enroll in the Master Student Class Schedule a minimum of two meetings per month with their academic advisor to discuss their academic progress Attend LEAD sessions for at least one course per semester Join one campus org of their choice during the first year And together, the department and the student agreed upon one more activity, either from the previous list or another activity which would enhance the student’s campus/college experience
‘Champion’ Department Comments About Students Comments are generally very positive! “…gives excellent customer service and is friendly to the campus community” “…is very receptive to feedback. Doing good for his first ever job.” “She's doing a great job at work, just wish there were heftier assignments for her.”
Quarterly Evaluations
Quarterly Evaluations
1st to 2nd Year Retention Rates
‘Professional In You’ Series During the 15-16 year, Student Affairs (in conjunction with Enrollment Management & Undergraduate Studies) started the ‘Professional in You’ Series Designed to help student workers across campus start thinking of their jobs in a more professional way and eventually be able to relate their job experience to future career goals
‘Professional In You’ Series (cont) A 3 hour mini-conference was available to all student workers in the fall that broke sessions into three tracks Communication Professionalism Personal Development Supervisors were encouraged to send their student workers to the training and include those 3 hours as hours worked.
Future Plans
Program for 2016-2017 Received $100,000 from UM System Comprehensive Retention Initiative $50,000 in Scholarships for summer bridge program $50,000 for those same students to continue on in an IWP position Increased the number of students
Future Goals Training for students & departments Includes expansion of ‘Professional In You’ Series Increase the number of participating departments and students More thoroughly evaluate the program & try to implement the FWS in a similar way Find a better way to connect Education & Career goals when placing students
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