Old Testament History
Old Testament History Part 3 Overview 1900 – Abraham…Isaac…Jacob 1700 – Joseph to Egypt (Hyksos) 1300 – Moses …. Joshua 1250 - 1050 – Judges 1050 - 922 – Saul, David (1000BC), Solomon 922 – Division of kingdoms 722 – North into Exile (Assyrians) 589 – South into Exile (Babylonians) 540 – 440 – Exiles return -Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah
Twelve Tribes of Israel A s h e r Simeon Naphtali Zebulun Issachar Ephraim M a n a s s e h G a d Dan Reuben J u d a h Benjamin Jerusalem Dead Sea Galilee Jordan River Jericho Mt.Nebo © 12 Tribes of Israel Mediterranean Twelve Tribes of Israel Manasseh Asher Naphtali Zebulun Issachar Gad Ephraim Dan Benjamin Reuben Simeon Judah Twelve Tribes of Israel
Life under the Judges ? Samson
Life under the Judges ? Gideon
Life under the Judges ? Deborah
Life under the Judges ? Jephthah
Life under the Judges ? Ehud
Life under the Judges
Life under the Judges Coalition Adaptation Syncretism
The Philistines Philistine soldier, dated 1200BC, found in Egypt
The glory has departed
Tabernacle at Shiloh
King Saul – 1050BC Big, strong, humble (insecure?) Accountable to Samuel National victories Head and shoulders man! BUT Fear of men not God – 1 Samuel 15 Defective devotions; Reluctant repentance Descent to insanity … Suicide at Gilboa “Surely I have acted like a fool” NBD: “One of the most pathetic of all God's chosen servants."
David – after my own heart Israel’s singer of songs Virtues: Integrity Courage Diplomacy Zeal for God A man after my own heart Failings: Adulterous Murderer Parenthood Adonijah - "His father had never interfered with (crossed) him by asking "Why do you behave as you do?" 1 Kings 1:6 Later Absalom rebelled, David fled! (2 Sam. 18:5)
Prophetic Expectation “Great David’s greater son” The Making of a Nation David’s legacy A Capital – Jerusalem Centre for worship Accessible & acceptable A united kingdom to be passed on to Solomon Prophetic Expectation “Great David’s greater son”
King Solomon Wise Diplomatic Wealth Built the temple BUT… Own interests first 700 wives Heavy burden on Nation Sowing seeds of discontent
"His growing splendour was matched by his diminishing spirituality" Solomon "His growing splendour was matched by his diminishing spirituality" "The continuance of his ruling house was not dependant on his outward splendour but his inner spiritual state“ “Solomon held fast to them in love…as he grew old his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of his father David had been…." 1 Kings 11:4
The Kingdom Divided (Judah) Rehoboam 922BC | Zedekiah 587 BC (Israel) Southern Kingdom (Judah) Rehoboam 922BC | Zedekiah 587 BC Northern Kingdom (Israel) Jeroboam 922BC | Hoshea 723BC
The North - Israel
Old Testament History Part 4 Overview 1900 – Abraham…Isaac…Jacob 1700 – Joseph to Egypt (Hyksos) 1300 – Moses …. Joshua 1250 -1050 – Judges 1050 - 922 – Saul, David (1000BC), Solomon 922 – Division of kingdoms 722 – North into Exile (Assyrians) 589 – South into Exile (Babylonians) 540 – 440 – Exiles return -Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah
Falling apart…. Just 80 years united - Israel’s Golden Age Then Northern kingdom lasted 200 years Southern kingdom lasted 350 years
The North falls first… 722BC Stage 1… Tiglath-Pileser III Pekah - Defaults on taxes Stage 2… Shalmaneser Engraving – British Museum Hoshea – Defaults on tax 3 year siege 27,290 deported
Black Obelisk – British Musuem Jehu son of Omri bows before Shalmaneser III
2 Kings 17:3-18 Black Obelisk – British Library records Shalmanesers achievements “I besieged and captured Samaria, carrying off 27000 of the people who dwelt therein, 50 chariots from among them I gathered” - Shalmanesar
Sennacherib Baked clay cylinder of Sennacherib, King of Assyria, from B.C. 705 to 681, inscribed with an account of eight campaigns of the king, including the capture and sack of Babylon, the invasion of Palestine and the siege of Jerusalem. Sennacherib - The Louvre
Empires – A, B, C Assyrians Babylonians Cyrus - Persians
Judah - Off to Babylon Stage 1 - 597BC Jerusalem surrenders, King Jehoiachin & leading officials taken off Zedekiah left as puppet king for 8 years. Stage 2 - 589BC Zedekiah seeks allies Babylonians attack & destroy Jerusalem The End …??
The Exile – 589BC, 70 years Life in Judah… Life in Babylon… Many died, others lived in the ruins Life in Babylon… Small but significant remnant – 4,600 & Ezekiel
Babylon Babylonian Chronicle – confirms date fall of Jerusalem = Ishtar Gate – reconstruction: Babylonian Chronicle – confirms date fall of Jerusalem = 16th March 597 BC
Hanging Gardens of Babylon One of the 7 wonders of the ancient world "In addition to its size, Babylon surpasses in splendour any city in the known world." Herodotus, a historian in 450 BC.
Life in Babylon.. By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. There on the poplars we hung our harps, for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” How can we sing the songs of the Lord while we are in a foreign land? - Psalm 137
Cyrus the Great (559-529 BC) "I am Cyrus, who founded the empire of the Persians. Grudge me not therefore, this little earth that covers my body."
The Cyrus Cylinder – 539BC “…I restored them to their dwelling places”
The Return begins… Nebuchadnezzar dies - 562BC Cyrus captures Babylon – 538BC 3 Stages 1. Zerubbabel begins the gradual return – 538BC 2. Ezra returns 80 years later 3. Nehemiah returns 10 years later
Rebuilding Jerusalem 1. The Temple - 520-515BC - Zerubbabel, Haggai, Zechariah, 2. The Walls - 444BC - Nehemiah 3. The Spiritual life - Ezra
Overview 1900 – Abraham…Isaac…Jacob 1700 – Joseph to Egypt (Hyksos) 1300 – Moses …. Joshua 1250 -1050 – Judges 1050 - 922 – Saul, David (1000BC), Solomon 922 – Division of kingdoms 722 – North into Exile (Assyrians) 589 – South into Exile (Babylonians) 540 – 440 – Exiles return -Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah