PONGPARA CODAN POLYMER CO., LTD. บริษัท พงศ์พาราโคดัน โพลิเมอร์ จำกัด
Introduction Established on January 15, 2013 Area approx: 22,000 sq.m. Head Office/Factory 1- Omyai Area approx: 80,000 sq.m. Factory 2 – Banbueng Chonburi Spare Area approx.: 80,000 sq.m. Spare Area for expanding Total plant area approx. 182,000 sq.m. Location Head Office at Omyai Nakornpathom (Head Office/Factory 1) Branch at Banbueng Chonburi (Factory 2) Main Products – Rubber and Plastic parts for Automotive Rubber Body Sealing System, Hoses, Rubber Functional Parts Plastic Interior and Exterior Parts
Total capital investment: THB 390 million Share holding of the Company : 30% PONGPARA CODAN RUBBER CO.,LTD 30% PONGPARA POLYMER CO.,LTD 40% PONGPARA SHAREHOLDERS
Quality Assurance Certified
PONGPARA Group Worldwide Toyoda Gosei Rubber (Thailand) Co., Ltd. [TGRT] Automotive R ubber Parts Share Capital: THB 600 M ( PC = 30 % ) Pong Codan Rubber Malaysia [PCM] Rubber Hose, Profiles, Molded Parts Share Capital: M$ 10 PCR 39% P.T. Pong Codan Indonesia [PCI] Rubber Hose, Profiles, Molded Parts Share Capital: US$ 1. 5 + PCS 86%) P.C. Rubber Singapore [PCS] Local Marketing & Re - export Share Capital: S$ 0.2 M P 77 Kosen (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. [KT C ] Raw Material / Yarn Trader 4 PPC SH 23 Konsei (Thailand) [KST] Hose Fittings & Plating Share Capital: THB 60 M Pongpara Codan Polymer Co., L td. (Chonburi) [PCP] Automotive Rubber & P l astic Parts Share apital: THB 3 9 0 M = 100% Toyoda Gosei (Thailand) Co., Ltd. [TGT] : In/Ex Plastic , Function arts, Safety system Share Capital: THB 400 M 10% Pongpara Polymer Co., Ltd. [PPC] Thailand Raw Material , Rubber & Plastic Products Distributor Tooling / & D Center Share Capital: THB 2 (Thai 100%) Pongpara Codan Rubber Co., Ltd. [PCR] Automotive & Industrial Rubber Products Share Capital: THB 200 M 8 Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. [TG J] Japan Automotive Rubber & Plastic Products Manufacturing & Sales Share Capital: JPY 28,000 M ------------------------------------------------ (Toyoda Gosei Asia Co.,Ltd.) [TGAS] Share Capital : THB 824 (TGJ 100%) Asian operation (Sales, Engineering, Cost Planning) K.S. Plastic [ KSP Clips/ Conner Insert for Door Seal Faste n clips/Hose Cover Kasem Family 100% 77%
Production Facility Head Office - Omyai Nakornpathom Branch - Banbueng Chonburi Factory 1 Factory 2 Production 2 1. PP/PU - Injection Molding 1. Extruder - Sponge and Solid 2. Top Coat Painting 2. Extruder - Door Seal 3. Joint Corner Door Seal 3. Hose - Non oil resistance 4. Rubber Compound Mixing 4. Hose – Oil resistance 5. Extruder - Door Seal, Weather Strip 6. Compression Molding 7. Silicone Extrusion Production 1 1. Compression Molding - Non oil & Oil resistance Total 7 Sections 2. Rubber Injection Molding 3. Mixing Compound 4. Plastic Injection (Interior & Exterior Part) Total 8 sections
PONGPARA CODAN POLYMER CO., LTD. Body Sealing Product Ranges W/S Trunk Lid Seal Hood Primary Seal Door Secondary Seal Door Glass Run Channel
We are specialized rubber and plastic parts manufacturer. Product Range We are specialized rubber and plastic parts manufacturer.
Plant Location Map
Map guide in accessing to Omyai - PCP
Map guide in accessing to Banbueng - PCP
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