LIU & MME ACTIVITIES Fabrication Alessandro DALLOCCHIO on behalf of the EN-MME Workshop 09-03-2017 LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
SUMMARY OF LIU ONGOING FABRICATION ACTIVITIES Q1 2017 ~41 JOBS for internal fabrication corresponding to ~1,86MCHF LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
ONGOING FABRICATION ACTIVITIES Leir – linac2 – linac4 – LIU-IONS All jobs are under fabrication or under preparation, no warning. L4 LEM is in fabrication fabrication under tight schedule (by May), fabrication of concerned beam line supports to be launched ASAP (waiting for information). LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
ONGOING FABRICATION ACTIVITIES LIU-PSB - PSB All jobs are under fabrication or under preparation, no major warning. PSB Finemet cavities: Fabrication ongoing within the scheduling so far. (A. D’Andrea - fellow - half paid by LIU on Finemet B.C. working on this huge contract.) PSB H- Inj. : delay cumulated end 2016 due to difficulties in final welding and cleaning as well as due to some re-design and assembling issues. Re-scheduling in agreement with TE-ABT. Prototype for new fast WS in preparation: delivery request August 2017 probably difficult but MME is confident for a delivery in September (no issue from BE-BI side). Concerning WS series production: MS + IT ongoing in collaboration with BE-BI (within scheduling so far). LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
ONGOING FABRICATION ACTIVITIES LIU-PS – PS LIU-SPS – SPS All jobs are under fabrication or under preparation, no major warning. LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs Upcoming jobs for which we have information from the design office…some of them seem to be on the critical path with respect to provisional deadlines. LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs SPS ZS INTERCONNECTS (PLAN 10334) Client : B.Balhan (TE-ABT), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Disponibilité plans : fin février 2017. Drawings under finalization Delivery date rescheduled with project engineer. Long lead materials to be procured starting from next week. LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PS LONGITUDINAL DAMPER (PLAN 10921) Client : M.Haase (BE-RF), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Disponibilité plans : mi-mars 2017 (support amplificateurs), fin mai 2017 (porte mobile) Date de livraison souhaitée : fin mai 2017 (support amplificateurs), fin aout 2017 (porte mobile) Support amplificateurs Porte mobile LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PS INTERNAL DUMP (PLAN 10025) Client : F-X.Nuiry (EN-STI), Pilote BE : D.Steyaert Disponibilité plans : fin juin 2017 Date de livraison souhaitée : November 2017. Tight Scheduling? LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs LINAC3 FARADAY CUP FOR ITF LINE (PLAN 11197) Client : F.Roncarolo (BE-BI), Pilote BE : D.Steyaert. Disponibilité plans : Fin mai 2017. Date de livraison souhaitée : Fin novembre 2017. Tight Scheduling? Tank + Faraday Cup, similar to ISOLDE design LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PSB SEM MONITOR FOR INJECTION MATCHING (PLAN 10071) Client : C.Vuitton (BE-BI), Pilote BE : D.Steyaert Depart etude: en attente! Disponibilité plans : Fin mai 2017. Date de livraison souhaitée : Décembre 2017. Tight Scheduling? SPECIFICATION BE-BI IN PROGRESS LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PS INJECTION SEPTUM/BUMPER 42 (PLAN 10130) Client : M.Hourican (TE-ABT), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Description : 3 ensembles complets selon tableau ci-joint. Disponibilité plans : Juin 2017. Date de livraison souhaitée : voir tableau ci-joint. TIGHT SCHEDULING for some sub-assemblies! LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs SPS TPSC4 (PLAN 10335) Client : M.Hourican (TE-ABT), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Description : 2 ensembles complets selon tableau ci-joint. Disponibilité plans : juin 2017. Date de livraison souhaitée : voir tableau ci-joint. TIGHT SCHEDULING for some sub-assemblies! LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs SPS TPSG6 (PLAN 10336) Client : l (TE-ABT), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Disponibilité plans : disponibles. Preparation of the fabrication: to be started. Date de livraison souhaitée : décembre 2017. LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs vacuum chambers + supports for ETL line (LEIR LIU-IONS) Client : R. Scrivens / I. Hansen. Info: L. Dassa Description : 10 chambres simples + supports pour installation de 5 nouveaux “pickup” Disponibilité plans : non (l’activité va commencer mi-février) Date de livraison prévue : pas définie (avant Décembre 2017). Tight scheduling??? LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PSB SCRAPER/ABSORBER (PLAN 11119) Client : EN-STI, Pilote BE : N.Chritin Disponibilité plans : Q3 2017. Date de livraison souhaitée : 2018 (à préciser). TIGHT SCHEDULING? LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PS SUPPORTS BT/BTP Client : K.Hanke (BE-OP), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Description : plusieurs tables de support pour équipements divers, jacks type LINAC4. Traitements : détentionnement pièces longues. Tests/métrologie/contrôle : métrologie des tables et rainures de positionnement. Disponibilité plans : Q2/Q3 2017. Date de livraison souhaitée : S1 2018 (Q3 at the latest). LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
Upcoming jobs PS BTV MU41 – Fabrication AP à confirmer par BE-BI Client : S.Burger (BE-BI), Pilote BE : B.Riffaud Disponibilité plans : Fin août 2017 Date de livraison souhaitée : Décembre 2017. LIU & MME ACTIVITIES – Fabrication A. Dallocchio 09/03/2017
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Voilà, je vous remercie.