by Fatima Bekhit AMYLASE The alpha amylase or α-amylase is an enzyme that is capable of hydrolyzing the glycosidic bonds that are present in very complex molecules such as starch, glycogen, malt dextrin and maltose which are all molecules formed by the union of more glucose units.
To sum up: Amylase is an enzyme that cuts the long chains of starch releasing glucose.
Starch is a polymer of glucose, units joined by glycosidic bonds Starch is a polymer of glucose, units joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is produced by most green plants as an energy reserve. A monosaccharide is a simple sugar whereas a polysaccharide consists of chains of monosaccharides or disaccharides bonded together. Both types of molecules are sugars that can be used by organisms as sources of energy. In chemistry, a glycosidic bond is a covalent bond type combining a carbohydrate molecule (sugar) to another group, which may or may not be another carbohydrate.
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