Nail/Skin Diseases and Disorders
“Contra indication” A reason why you cannot carry out the full treatment. PREVENT RESTRICT
Fungal Condition Ringworm Nail plate will become: yellowish-grey in colour dry and brittle separate from nail bed
Viral Condition Warts An irregular growth on surface of skin Raised Rough Whitish colour
Bacterial Condition Paronychia Infected area near to the nail wall Swollen Red Pus painful
Eczema Inflamed, red skin Result of an allergy Swelling Flaking Weeping/cracking Ridging/pitting on nail
Psoriasis Red, silvery scaly skin patches. Inherited condition Made worse by stress Nail can appear - ridged -pitted
Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin Contact with external irritant -detergent -chemicals -metals
Bruised Nail Dark purple, blue/black discoloration -Bleeding under nail plate -Injury to the nail bed Severe-loss of nail plate