Latest news from the CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR Editorial Board


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Presentation transcript:

Latest news from the CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR Editorial Board Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC Latest news from the CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR Editorial Board Collaboration Meeting – June 7th, 2006 Stefano Lami INFN-Pisa

CMS: M.DellaNegra, M.Grothe, J.Mnich, K. Piotrzkowski, J.Virdee PTDR Editorial Board: CMS: M.DellaNegra, M.Grothe, J.Mnich, K. Piotrzkowski, J.Virdee TOTEM: V.Avati, K.Eggert, SL, M.LoVetere, R.Orava Monika and SL collecting contributions from CMS and TOTEM respectively. Reminder: the aim of this work is not to be complete but rather to set up priorities and be realistic for a quick realization of the common TDR. EB meets usually every 2 weeks, in parallel with the Common Diffractive Working Group, where updates on the progress of each analysis are discussed. A first draft was completed on May 3rd. Since then we had several interactions with the responsible author of each analysis to answer EB questions/doubts and eventually update text and plots. A new version is coming out in the next days. June 12th is the deadline for any further written contribution/major changes.

PTDR Contents More Work needed on: Introduction (M.Arneodo, SL) The interest of diffractive interactions Diffraction at CERN, FNAL and HERA A Survey of the Processes that CMS and TOTEM can access together Experimental Setup CMS (M.Arneodo ?) The TOTEM Detectors (M.Deile, SL, G.Ruggiero) FP420 Running Scenarios (V.Avati) Forward Proton Measurement (V.Avati, M.Deile, Ken, Mikael) Special Optics Low b* Triggering with Forward Detectors Diffractive trigger at low luminosity (V.Avati) Diffractive trigger at high luminosity (M.Grothe) DPE and SD at Low Luminosity Soft and Dijet DPE (V.Avati, F.Ferro, G.Latino)

PTDR Contents (cont.) More Work needed on: Hard SD and DPE Inclusive SD dijet production (A.Sobol, M.Albrow) Diffractive production of B mesons (D.Damiao, A.Santoro) Diffractive ttbar production (A.Vilela, A.Santoro) DPE production of W and WW (A.Loginov, M.Ruspa) LRG between jets (M.Albrow) Exclusive two photons (M.Albrow) Photon-Proton and Photon-Photon Physics (K.Piotrzkowski, W.Geist ) SM and MSSM Central Exclusive Higgs (M.Tasevski, Roeck) Drell-Yan with Castor (E.Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, P.van Mechelen) Cosmic Rays (Popov, Engel)

June 14th : Next EB Meeting. Analyses frozen, New draft version. As TOTEM, we must set ourselves a deadline before being 100% absorbed by the Test Beam. One month of editing and printing seems reasonable July 14th (Bastille Day) personal suggestion for a deadline