!Habla solo en español! (o no habla) Mira el gráfico de nombres ¡Sí! importa la silla. Mira el gráfico de nombres Quietly: Find your seat listed on the class chart in the back corner. Display your nametag. Pick up from the counter by your turn-in drawer: - a worksheet - a stick & a fat marker - a little piece of paper & a thin Write your name LARGE on the stick with a fat marker (the name you want to be called. Write your name NEATLY on the little paper with a thin marker– it is your file name tag. Resource Manager (seat D) pick your table’s textbooks. As a table group complete the front of the worksheet to familiarize yourself with the textbook.
1st period: quietly line up in alphabetical order 1st period: quietly line up in alphabetical order. We’re going to our evacuation spot: 40 yard line on east side (towards baseball field) facing the CENTER of the field
Spanish Syllabus Emphasis on: vocabulary grammar speaking writing music culture By year-end: write an essay, read texts, speak and understand in the present and preterit past tenses.
Don’t CHEAT! You just make yourself look and feel dumb. Everyone participates! Don’t CHEAT! You just make yourself look and feel dumb. Admit that you need help and get it!
Success: Study 10-15 mins daily beyond hw hard work, diligence, team work, humility, a sense of humor AND: FLASH CARDS! Study 10-15 mins daily beyond hw Complete all homework on time Ask questions Daily participation Success:
Ideas for 10 minutes each day
Online components www.vhlcentral.com www.quizlet.com Online textbook, homework, tutorials, activities www.quizlet.com Online vocabulary activities & FLASH CARDS!!!!
Textbook Exploration Resource manager distribute class textbooks to your table. With your table group, Complete side one of Tarea del texto.
Tarea: (Homework:) 1. Review with a parent/guardian, sign both sides, and return the end portion of the syllabus. 2. Create an account and Sign up online to our class at www.vhlcentral.com 3. Finish the backside worksheet: Explore the website www.vhlcentral.com “Tarea del texto (Homework from the text)”
Textbooks Class set of textbooks Online textbook Some hard copy textbooks to take home. At home would you use the online or hard copy of the text for studying?