IGCSE English Literature – Coursework Assignment #1 You must write a 600-1200 word assignment on one of the following two topics: Either: How does John Steinbeck use foreshadowing in the first four chapters of Of Mice & Men to help prepare us for the tragedy of the final two chapters. or Imagine that you are Slim at the end of the story and you are giving your statement to the police to help with their investigation into Lennie’s death.
IGCSE English Literature – Coursework Assignment #1 You must write a 600-1200 word assignment on one of the following two topics: How does John Steinbeck use foreshadowing in the first four chapters of Of Mice & Men to help prepare us for the tragedy of the final two chapters. To answer Question (a) think back over what has happened in the novel and how earlier moments of foreshadowing have given us information that allows us to accept that Lennie would act and behave as he does. Episodes to consider include: The mouse The girl in the red dress Lennie’s strength Soft things Curley’s hand “I like Machines” [88] The dead puppy Candy’s dog Carlson’s gun “I ought to shot that old dog myself” [67] “I whist someone’d shoot me if I e old and cripple” [50] “…put him in a cage” [106]
IGCSE English Literature – Coursework Assignment #1 You must write a 600-1200 word assignment on one of the following two topics: Imagine that you are Slim at the end of the story and you are giving your statement to the police to help with their investigation into Lennie’s death. To answer Question (b) think back over what has happened in the novel and write your account of the events since George and Lennie arrived on the ranch two days ago. Some of the things you might like to describe are: Your first reactions to George & Lennie. Working with them. Giving Lennie your puppy and his reaction. Lennie & Curley’s fight. Curley’s wife. The horseshoe game and discovering her body. The search for Lennie and finding George with his body. What happened when you left with George at the end of the novel. Remember you need to decide whether or not you are going to tell the police the truth about George or are you going to maintain the lie he creates by pretending to have found Curly’s Wife’s body in the barn with the rest of the men and that he shot Lennie in self-defence.
IGCSE English Literature – Coursework Assignment #1 9B – Tess of the d’Urbivelles You must write a 600-1200 word assignment on one of the following two topics: Either: How does the fact that Tess nearly always makes the easy not the hard choice lead to her tragic ending? Or Imagine that you are Angel Clare and write your account of the events in the novel from the moment you carry Tess over the flooded road to the day after your wedding.
IGCSE English Literature – Coursework Assignment #1 9B – Tess of the d’Urbivelles You must write a 600-1200 word assignment on one of the following two topics: Either: How does the fact that Tess nearly always makes the easy not the hard choice lead to her tragic ending? Or Imagine that you are Angel Clare and write your account of the events in the novel from the moment you carry Tess over the flooded road to the day after your wedding. To answer Question (a) points to consider include: P19 – Taking the honey to market [p27-28] P22 – Being told to visit the d‘Urbevilles [p35-35] P24 – The strawberry [p40-41] P26 – The carriage & the kiss [p54-55] P30 – Rescued by Alec [p69-71] P30 – The seduction [p77] P45 – Nothing about her ancestors [p134-137] P49 – The first chance to tell the truth [161-162] P51 – The second chance to tell the truth P53 – Excuses P54 – The third chance to tell the truth P56 – The letter P58 – The fourth chance to tell the truth P89 – Alec’s offer P92 – Homeless P100–It’s too late P103–The murder of Alec
IGCSE English Literature – Coursework Assignment #1 9B – Tess of the d’Urbivelles You must write a 600-1200 word assignment on one of the following two topics: Either: How does the fact that Tess nearly always makes the easy not the hard choice lead to her tragic ending? Or Imagine that you are Angel Clare and write your account of the events in the novel from the moment you carry Tess over the flooded road to the day after your wedding. To answer Question (b) think back over what has happened in the novel and write your account of the events from Angel’s point of view describing what he thinks and feels about Tess. Points in the novel you should consider include: P46 – Across the flood (You must start with this event.) P49 – Milking in the field Angels declaration of love. [ P52 – Tess’ first refusal of marriage. [P162] P54 – Not a Durbyfield P56 – Punching Farmer Groby P58 – Angel’s parents opinion & not getting Tess’ letter. P62 – Telling the truth P63 – Tess’ story P64 – Angel abandons Tess. (You must end with this event.)