Year 6 Curriculum 2016 – 2017 Spring Term


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Presentation transcript:

Year 6 Curriculum 2016 – 2017 Spring Term Welcome back to school. Best wishes for 2017.This will be a very busy term as we help the children to prepare for the SATs in May. If you have any concerns or worries, please contact us at school. Mr Stafford & Mr O’Hara, Year 6 teachers RE - we will be following ‘The Way, The Truth & The Life’ scheme of work. The topics we will be studying are ‘Jesus, the Bread of Life’ and ‘Jesus, Son of God.’ The children will have opportunities to learn more about the Passover, take part in Collective Worship, masses and celebrate the feast of Easter. English – we will be using ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty as the stimulus in our English lessons. There will be lots of opportunities for writing across the curriculum and there may be homework set to help your child prepare for some writing tasks. The children’s pieces of writing are important and will be collected to show their standard of writing. Guided Reading will take place each week and your child should be reading each evening from their school library book or from a library book at home. We would like you to sign and date your child’s reading record (at least 2x each week) when they have read with you. There will be a greater focus on spellings and they will continue to be sent home each Friday as part of your child’s homework. We ask that you spend some time helping them learn words that are in their Spelling Logs. Maths – we will continue to develop and deepen the children's understanding. We will continue to use the 4 rules of number, interpreting graphs, shape and space, problem solving and measurement. We will be working through past SATs papers and practicing for the new arithmetic paper. Your child will receive tasks to do at home to ensure that they practise what they have learnt in class. Regular revision of times tables up to 12x is vital.

Science – During this term the children will recap their knowledge of broad groups of organisms before taking a much more in-depth look at the classification system, how it works and how different species of organisms that are closely related can be identified and perhaps grouped together. We will explore this topic through some practical experiments done in class, observations and using internet based resources for research. Creative Learning Journey (CLJ) – our geography topic is called ‘The Americas.’ We will be studying various features of these two continents and the children will collect work each week to add to their individual projects. The CLJ encompasses the teaching and learning of History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music. If you have any books or other objects that we could use for this work we would be most grateful. Computing– we will be focussing on creating Multimedia Presentations using a range of programs in ICT as well as working on programming through using Scratch and other related software. Lots of the work in Computing will be based on the Creative Learning Journey. Homework will be given on Friday and should be returned on Wednesday. This term we will ask the children to review work covered in class and go through test papers or similar questions. We ask that you check through this work with them and help them with any mistakes. PE – PE will continue to take place on Thursday (Dance) and Friday (Games). Please ensure your child has the correct kit on the correct day as this contributes towards your child's attitude assessment.