Why did the English go on crusades to the holy land? Lesson Objectives To discover what the terms ‘crusade’ and ‘holy land’ mean. To explore the reasons why many English people went on crusade.
To discover what the terms ‘crusade’ and ‘holy land’ mean. What were the Crusades? The C_________ were a series of _______ where Christians and Muslims fought to control the Holy Land. J__________ is a holy place for Christians because many important events in the life of _________ happened there. It is holy to the Muslim religion, _________, too. Muslims believe their prophet, Mohammed, visited Heaven from there. Jerusalem and the surrounding area (what we call modern day Israel) was known as the ______ Land. The crusades dragged on and off for about ______ years. English knights and soldiers mainly fought in what is known as the Third Crusade between the years 1189 and 1192 under the king, ___________.
Why was there a Crusade?
How was England involved in the Crusades? As we already know, the English were mainly involved in the Third Crusade under the leadership of Richard I (otherwise known as Richard the Lionheart) Richard and his army fought several successful battles during the against the Muslim Turks. He aimed to recapture Jerusalem, but he couldn’t do so. However, pilgrimages to Jerusalem were allowed after the Third Crusade. The three lions are often seen on England sports kits, including that of the England football and cricket teams. But why did English people go on crusade? 4
2. To explore the reasons why many English people went on crusade. Why go on Crusade? Sort the cards into three groups; Religion, Money and Power. Now, using the writing frame, you need to explain what you think the most important reason was. Can you link any?
2. To explore the reasons why many English people went on crusade. Mark Scheme Level 4: Repeating explanations from the cards. Level 5: Begins to make links. Detailed explanation (put into their own words). Level 6: Links well explained. DO NOT just level your partner’s work. Write down one thing they did well and one thing that would make their answer even better.