Where were you born?
Was it in a hospital near Norwich?
Where do you live? Can you find it on the map?
Where was Jesus born?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem, in the Holy Land Jesus was born in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem, in the Holy Land. Can you find Bethelehem on the map?
Can you find Jerusalem in the Holy Land on this bigger map?
This is what the Holy Land looks like today
The Holy Land is over 2,000 miles away from the UK and it would take you 5 and a half hours to fly there
How did Jesus die in the Holy Land over 2000 years ago?
What happened after he died?
Christianity was born in the Holy Land and has spread all over the world
Only a small amount of Christians now live in the Holy Land
Have you ever been in hospital? Do you have to pay to stay there?
This boy’s mum and dad have had to pay for their son’s hospital treatment in Jerusalem
This man has had to find the money to pay for his hospital care
How can we help poor Christian people to pay for their hospital care?
We can help by putting our spare pennies in the collection box for the Diocese of Norwich Lent Appeal
Cheers! Every little helps!