Faculty of Social Sciences Scholarships Faculty of Social Sciences Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017 www.hse.ru
State Academic Scholarship If you are a first-year student (in either a bachelor’s programme or a master’s) and study for free, the minimum stipend is transferred to your student social card each month during your first semester. For this, it is necessary to give your card number to the accounting department at 20 Myasnitskaya St., 408-K. You may alternatively receive the scholarship at the end of the semester at the cash desk located at 20 Myasnitskaya St. on the same floor (the window at the beginning of the corridor). You will be informed of the hours of operation at the bachelor’s or master’s study offices. https://www.hse.ru/en/scholarships/ фото фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
State Academic Scholarship фото фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
Structure of the Faculty of Social Sciences For all others, the state academic scholarship is always awarded on a competitive basis - taking into account interim assessment in January and July. Students also receive the scholarship during holidays: based on the results of the first half-year, the scholarship is dispersed in the second — from January through August; based on the results of the second half-year, students receive the scholarship from September through December. In other words, for a four-month-long semester, students receive the scholarship over the course of eight months (January-August), and for a six-month semester, over the course of four (September-December). The following students are excluded: students who pay themselves, students who study under intergovernmental agreements, students who for any reason did not show up for an exam, and those who scored a ‘3’ or below. фото фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
Increased State Academic Scholarship фото фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
Increased State Academic Scholarship фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
Financial aid for international students Full-time state-funded/quota students may apply for financial aid in case of: the birth of a child, or the death of a parent (after providing notarized translations of supporting documentation); financial difficulties, medical treatment, loss of personal property, theft and other emergency circumstances after they have provided notarized translations of documents confirming their low income level (i.e., family income per capita must be below the subsistence minimum currently applicable in Moscow), along with documents issued by Russian authorities and agencies, specifying the grounds to support their claims in regards to emergencies taking place in the Russian Federation. фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
Financial aid for international students If the aforementioned circumstances arise, students should apply for financial aid, attach all necessary documents, and submit them to their Faculty's Commission on Student Affairs. Financial aid applications shall be considered at a meeting of HSE’s Commission on Student Affairs after they have been submitted to the faculty. Full-time fee-paying students may apply for financial aid in case of the death of a parent (after providing notarized translations of supporting documentation). фото фото Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017
Thank you for attention! 4 Armyanskiy Pereulok, Building 2 Office 101 Higher School of Economics National Research University , Moscow, 2017 www.hse.ru