MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY Lodish Berk Kaiser Krieger scott Bretscher Ploegh Matsudaira MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY SEVENTH EDITION CHAPTER 21 Stem Cells, Cell Asymmetry, and Cell Death Copyright © 2013 by W. H. Freeman and Company
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Figure 21.1 Overview of the birth, lineage, and death of cells.
Figure 21.2 (a) Gamete fusion during fertilization.
Figure 21.2 (b) Gamete fusion during fertilization.
Figure 21.3 Cleavage divisions in the mouse embryo.
Experimental Figure 21.4 Cell location determines cell fate in the early embryo.
Experimental Figure 21.5 Embryonic stem (ES) cells can be maintained in culture and can form differentiated cell types.
Figure 21.6 Transcriptional network regulating pluripotency of ES cells.
Experimental Figure 21.7 Mice can be cloned by somatic-cell nuclear transplantation from olfactory neurons.
Figure 21.8 Patterns of stem-cell differentiation.
Figure 21.9 A Drosophila germarium.
Figure 21.10 Germ-line stem cells in C. elegans.
Figure 21.11 Intestinal stem cells.
Experimental Figure 21.12 Regeneration of the intestinal epithelium from stem cells can be demonstrated in pulse-chase experiments.
Experimental Figure 21.13 (a) Lineage-tracing studies show that the Lgr5+ cells at the base of crypts are the intestinal stem cells.
Experimental Figure 21.13 (b) Lineage-tracing studies show that the Lgr5+ cells at the base of crypts are the intestinal stem cells.
Experimental Figure 21.14 Single Lgr5-expressing intestinal stem cells build crypt-villus structures in culture without niche cells.
Figure 21.15 Formation of the neural tube and division of neural stem cells.
Experimental Figure 21.16 Retrovirus infection can be used to trace cell lineage.
Figure 21.17 Neural stem cell niche in the adult brain.
Figure 21.18 Formation of blood cells from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow.
Experimental Figure 21.19 Functional analysis of hematopoietic stem cells by bone marrow transplantation.
Figure 21.20 Physical structure and regulatory networks in the shoot meristems of Arabidopsis.
Figure 21.21 General features of cell polarity and asymmetric cell division.
Figure 21.22 Mechanism of shmoo formation in yeast.
Figure 21.23 Cell lineage in the nematode worm C. elegans.
Experimental Figure 21.24 Par proteins are asymmetrically localized in the one-cell worm embryo.
Figure 21.25 Mechanism of segregation of the anterior Par complex in the one-cell worm embryo.
Figure 21.26 Polarity establishment in epithelial cells.
Experimental Figure 21.27 Planar-cell polarity (PCP) determines the orientation of cells.
Figure 21.28 Two ways that stem cells can be induced to divide asymmetrically.
Figure 21.29 Neuroblasts divide asymmetrically to generate neurons and glial cells in the central nervous system.
Figure 21.30 Ultrastructural features of cell death by apoptosis.
Figure 21.31 Newly hatched larva of C. elegans.
Experimental Figure 21.32 Mutations in the ced-3 gene block programmed cell death in C. elegans.
Figure 21.33 Evolutionary conservation of apoptosis pathways.
Figure 21.34 Activation of CED-3 protease in C. elegans.
Experimental Figure 21.35 In vertebrates the survival of motor neurons depends on the size of the muscle target field they innervate.
Experimental Figure 21.36 Different classes of sensory neurons are lost in knockout mice lacking different trophic factors or their receptors.
Figure 21.37 Bcl-2 family proteins.
Figure 21.38 Integration of multiple signaling pathways in vertebrate cells that regulate mitochondrial outer membrane permeability and apoptosis.
Figure 21.39 Structure of the nematode apoptosome and a model for the structure of the mammalian Apaf1 apoptosome.
Figure 21.40 Cell murder: the extrinsic apoptosis pathway.