Tackling Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic Bullying in Schools


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Presentation transcript:

Tackling Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic Bullying in Schools

Brings together all existing equality legislation and outlaws: The Equality Act (2010) Brings together all existing equality legislation and outlaws: Direct Discrimination When a person treats one person less favourably than they would another because of a protected characteristic. Indirect Discrimination when a provision, criterion or practice is neutral on the face of it, but its impact particularly disadvantages people with a protected characteristic Harassment Unwanted conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the complainant, or violating their dignity Victimisation Treating someone unfavourably because they have taken (or might be taking) action under the Equality Act or supporting somebody who is doing so.


(2)In relation to the protected characteristic of sexual orientation— The Equality Act (2010) defines ‘sexual orientation’ as: 1)Sexual orientation means a person's sexual orientation towards— (a)persons of the same sex, (b)persons of the opposite sex, or (c)persons of either sex. (2)In relation to the protected characteristic of sexual orientation— (a)a reference to a person who has a particular protected characteristic is a reference to a person who is of a particular sexual orientation; (b)a reference to persons who share a protected characteristic is a reference to persons who are of the same sexual orientation.

The Equality Act (2010) defines someone protected because of the characteristic of ‘gender reassignment’ as: A person who “is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the person’s sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex” The Act regards ‘gender reassignment’ as a personal process (i.e. moving away from one’s birth sex to the preferred gender), rather than a medical process. It may include undergoing the medical gender reassignment treatment, but it does not require someone to undergo medical treatment in order to be protected A person is protected once they have “proposed” to change their sex, even if they later change their mind. This is the case whether or not they are under medical supervision

Public Sector Equality Duty All public bodies, including schools, have a requirement to: Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

Why should schools undertake this work? Moral Obligation The safety & well being of all children – it’s the right thing to do! Statutory Obligations UK Equality Act 2010 Teacher Standards UN Convention Rights of the Child Article 2, 19, 28, 29, 30 4.OFSTED 5.More young people coming out or being ‘outed’ Copyright Inclusion for All www.inclusionforall.co.uk

Activity The Witches of Glum

Witches of Glum True / False? The city as ruled by an old king who could no longer walk. Groga was a wicked witch who lived in a cave on the other side of the lake. The castle was in the centre of the city. Princess Christina was very beautiful. The stranger wanted to be made king in return for killing Groga.

True or False? The city was ruled by an old king who could no longer walk FALSE 10 10

True or False? 2. Groga was a wicked witch who lived in a cave on the other side of the lake. FALSE 11 11

True or False? 3. The castle was in the centre of the city. TRUE 12 12

True or False? 4. Princess Christina was very beautiful. FALSE 13 13

True or False? 5. The Stranger wanted to be made King in return for killing Groga. FALSE 14 14

The barriers to tackling Homphobic, Biphobic & Transphobic bullying?

“But I don’t need training… I’m not prejudiced?” Every teacher brings a set of cultural norms and practices to the classroom which affects their attitudes and behaviour. We all have prejudice which comes from a variety of sources: upbringing, media, work colleagues, neighbourhood, religion, experiences etc. Many of these prejudices are so deep they are often sub-conscious. We can do something about our prejudices, by being aware if them and finding out more information to dispel them. 16 16


Social networks such as Facebook Religion Cultural Background Influences Friends/Peer Groups Media TV/Video Games Parents Social networks such as Facebook Religion Cultural Background

I don’t see difference. I treat everybody the same

Well, what can you do? It’s the parents…

Section 28

“Here comes the PC Brigade”

Numbers and percentages England and Wales, recorded crime Table 2: Hate crimes recorded by the police, by monitored strand1,2, 2011/12 to 2013/14 Numbers and percentages England and Wales, recorded crime Hate crime strand 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 % change 2012/13 to 2013/14 Race  36,008  35,889  37,484 4 Religion  1,621  1,573  2,273 45 Sexual orientation  4,364  4,261  4,622 8 Disability  1,753  1,843  1,985 Transgender  310  361  555 54 Total number of motivating factors  44,056  43,927  46,919 7 Total number of hate crimes  N/A   42,236  44,480 5 Source: Police recorded crime, Home Office 1. Hate crimes are taken to mean any crime where the perpetrator's hostility or prejudice against an identifiable group of people is a factor in determining who is victimised. For the agreed definition of hate crime see: http://www.report-it.org.uk 2. Data were collected from 44 police forces in England and Wales and cover notifiable offences only (see the User Guide for more information).