E-GRANT: EGI Resource Allocation Tool Current status Customer can: send requests, negotiate resources, sign SLAs, view allocations Resources Provider can: specify resources as pools ready for allocation, negotiate allocation for specific customer, analyse current and planned allocations Broker (EGI) can: communicate with customers around request/SLA, run supported matching of a request with pools, communicate with resources providers, analyse current and planned allocations 4 types of resources: HTC Computing & Storage, Cloud Computing & Storage 4 types of documents: Requests, Pools, SLAs, and underpinned OLAs 3 modes of allocation: free-hand, right-to-revoke, full-negotiations 2 types of authorization: EGI SSO, X.509 e-GRANT.egi.eu EGI CF 2014, Helsinki, May 19th
e-GRANT: development directions Market-place potential functions „Shop-windows” based on Resources Pools available for not-registered users Self-allocation: supported matching pools enabled for customers (existing broker function) Support for special types of allocation for „special offers or actions” like seed-resources, demostrators, call-for-applications, hacathons Integrating full contract/SLA-lifecycle Request -> Negotiations -> Acceptance Proper SLA (document) created based on template and negotiated metrics. Tracing of site-configuration (e.g. using BDII to check if site is supporting particular VOs) Monitoring of resources deliverery and QoS according to an SLA Integration with accounting viewes (SLA-specific views) Availability information integration of specific services Integration of pay-per-use proces Integration and presentation of prices (imported from GOCDB) Billing according contract/SLA (integration with accouting needed) Integration with VO database in Operation Portal Authorization for VO Managers Support for allocation for VO groups (based on VOMS) Integration with VO creation process e-GRANT.egi.eu EGI CF 2014, Helsinki, May 19th