EVENT LOGGING & CONTENT VERSIONING SYSTEM Akshay Sharma Suraj Kothawade Sumedha Birajdar
INTRODUCTION An event, with reference to Event Logging, is any significant occurrence in the system or in a program that requires an entry to be added to a log. Keeping record of such events is Event Logging. Content Versioning System is used for tracking changes in files and coordinating work on those files among people.
ARCHITECTURE Administrator Users Give permissions to user to login Access and analyze User’s login to Drupal Drupal Event Logs Drupal uses PHP to run user code Store and process PHP Web Server PHP sends user code via web server’s like apache, IIS, etc Accesses user data sends back to user Real time logs Database
ABOUT THE PROJECT In this project, we have tried to enhance the functionality of the existing Event Log module in Drupal 7 Also, we have tried to facilitate the development of Recommendation System by Collaborating Communities Project group. Besides, we have tried to implement the graphical analysis of event log data. The modules developed are compatible with any Drupal 7 system with PHP7 installed.
FEATURES Interface For Collaborating Communities Log Data Visualizations Enhancement Of Event Log Module
INTERFACE FOR COLLABORATING COMMUNITIES: Show the top 10 viewed articles Show the top 10 viewed articles along with the corresponding tags by a particular user Provide the necessary data for development of recommendation system by collaborating communities.
Articles and corresponding tags for a particular user:
LOG DATA VISUALIZATIONS OPERATION ANALYSIS: To represent the total count of each operation in the database To represent the monthly triggering of each operation Weigh each page according to page rank to create a node with its diameter and connect that node with other nodes(pages) to which it is linked. USER ANALYSIS: To display the top N(input) active users To visualize the operations performed by a particular user
Line Graph:
Force Directed Graph:
ENHANCEMENT OF EVENT LOG MODULE Clear the logs Notify illegal access to authorised user Log data to a file instead of database Backup Event Log database content Store logs on the Cloud instantaneously
Real time logs:
CHALLENGES Identifying the appropriate module for development amongst many, namely – syslog, watchdog, event log, etc. Making development compatible with the existing system. Resolving storage path and permission issues of files in drupal core.
KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED Construction of modules in Drupal 7 Data visualization using D3 Storing data on Cloud using Google API (via OAuth2.0) Issue-driven development and use of git and github
FUTURE SCOPE Implementation of MongoDB in spite of Google Cloud Upgrading to Drupal 8 Implementation of Tin Can API System (Multiple) RabbitMQ (Buffer) MongoDB
LINK TO PROJECT https://github.com/fresearchgroup/drupal- logger