Date of download: 10/19/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Modeling of Finite-Length Line Contact Problem With Consideration of Two Free-End Surfaces J. Tribol. 2015;138(2):021402-021402-10. doi:10.1115/1.4031403 Figure Legend: Grid effect and comparisons of the CPU time between the present method and FEM for different mesh densities. (The simulation domain of the present method and FEM is both (0, 17.243a) × (−10a, 10a) × (0, 10a) along the x, y, and z directions. “Matrix calculation” stands for the CPU time consumed for the calculation of three matrices MA, MB, and MC; “call the matrices” represents the CPU time consumed by calling the matrices MA, MB, and MC.) (a) σvon along the x-axis (half-domain is plotted) and (b) CPU time consumption.