Promotion & Tenure in the College of Medicine New Faculty Orientation, 2016 Carol S. Weisman, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Distinguished Professor of Public Health Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology College of Medicine
Welcome to the Office of Faculty Affairs Carol Weisman, PhD Cindy Devine Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Administrative Coordinator
Who is a COM faculty member? Any employee of the College of Medicine or Penn State Hershey Medical Center who holds a faculty title -- Includes faculty on the tenure track and fixed-term track* Volunteer faculty who are employed elsewhere and hold an “adjunct” or “clinical” faculty title All faculty appointments are through the College of Medicine and are governed by College and University policies * Track is determined at time of hire
Current employed faculty (9/2016) Men Women Total Fixed-term track 536 476 1,012 (79%) Tenure track (not tenured) 25 16 41 ( 3%) Tenured 190 46 236 (18%) 751 (58%) 538 (42%) 1,289
Why discuss P&T now? Your career as a faculty member at Penn State COM has already begun You eventually will be reviewed for promotion or tenure (or, if you are a Full Professor, you will serve on P&T committees and will mentor junior faculty) There are many things you can begin doing now to prepare for a successful promotion or tenure review
The goal of P&T policy is… “To achieve a faculty appropriate to a major research university with a commitment to teaching and service, so that the internal and external reputations of each unit are constantly improving.” Blannie E. Bowen, PhD Vice Provost for Academic Affairs The Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine Mission “To educate medical and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and residents; to develop research programs for the advancement of medical and scientific knowledge; and to provide a range of fully integrated patient care.” Promotion and Tenure: Statement of the Dean of the College of Medicine, 2012
The Basics Promotion is always based on performance, not time-in-rank Performance criteria for faculty ranks are described in departmental, College of Medicine, and University policies Performance is evaluated using the Dossier, a standardized format for reporting your activities and accomplishments Reviews of the Dossier occur at multiple levels (department, College, University) Reviews take place on an annual timetable, with promotions effective July 1
“When will I be reviewed for promotion?” Tenure Track You will have provisional tenure reviews in your 3rd and 6th years and the final tenure review in your 9th year Promotion to Associate Professor typically occurs at same time as final tenure review but may occur earlier Nomination for promotion to Professor may occur at any time Fixed-term Track Your eligibility for promotion will be assessed by your department at least every 5 years Nomination for promotion may occur at any time
“How does the review process differ by track?” Tenure track Provisional tenure reviews are conducted by department committee, chair, and Dean Final tenure reviews (and promotion reviews) are conducted by department committee, chair, College committee, Dean, University committee, Provost and President Denial of tenure termination Fixed-term track Reviews for promotion eligibility are conducted by department committee and chair at least every 5 years Promotion reviews are conducted by department committee, chair, College committee (beginning in AY 2017-18), Dean No penalty for negative decision The decider
“Can the tenure clock be paused?” A “stay” of the tenure clock may be requested for: Birth or adoption of a child Serious personal illness Caring for a close family member Tenure clock can be paused for maximum of 2 years Requires approval of Department Chair, Dean, and Provost We encourage COM faculty members to apply for stays
“Can I switch tracks?” Fixed-term faculty members may apply for an open tenure-track position when a national search is conducted Tenure-track faculty members may transfer to fixed-term prior to the 9th year, if in good standing, with approval of Chair and Dean Those with a negative tenure review may not switch to a fixed-term faculty position
P&T Criteria Demonstrated accomplishments in the mission areas: Teaching , Patient Care, Research, Service Excellence in 2 mission areas (other than service), defined based on your effort allocation Basic Scientists: Research and Teaching Clinicians: Patient Care and Teaching; Patient Care and Research Regional reputation required for Associate Professor; National reputation required for Professor For tenure: potential for further achievement Sustained scholarship is the essential element Source: Promotion and Tenure: Statement of the Dean of the College of Medicine, 2012
What is scholarship? Penn State defines scholarship as the thoughtful discovery, transmission, and application of knowledge Scholarship can be demonstrated in any of the mission areas, including patient care In the COM, peer-reviewed publications or other accepted forms of publication/dissemination are essential for demonstrating externally recognized scholarship
The Dossier: a preview Each time you are reviewed for promotion or tenure (including provisional tenure reviews), you will prepare a Dossier * The Dossier documents your accomplishments in the mission areas and is used to evaluate your performance and scholarship You will work with your department’s staff assistant who is trained in Dossier preparation * Exception: Instructors, Research Assistants
Key Dossier sections * Narrative Statement (1-3 pages) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Patient Care Activities (if applicable) Scholarship of Research Service and the Scholarship of Service Internal and External Letters of Evaluation * Fillable template for Scholarship sections is available
Narrative Statement Explain your accomplishments in the context of your overall professional goals (1-3 pages) If you participate in collaborative, interdisciplinary, or team research, explain your role and unique contributions The COM encourages and supports team science
Teaching and Learning Covers all of your teaching and advising over the past 5 years at Penn State * Must include student/trainees’ evaluations of your teaching (quantitative and qualitative) Your department chair solicits 2 peer review of teaching letters from senior faculty * Or since last promotion, if less than 5 years ago; or longer, if stay of tenure
Patient Care Covers all of your patient care assignments over the past 5 years, including leadership roles * Must provide evidence of quality of care (e.g., data on patient outcomes, patient satisfaction scores, involvement in departmental or PSHMC quality improvement activities) Your department chair (or Dean) solicits letters from internal (or external) peers who can evaluate your clinical effectiveness
Research Include all of your publications from your entire career (e.g., case studies, research reports, MedEdPORTAL publications, book chapters, books) -- indicate your authorship role for each co-authored publication All funded projects (awarded and pending) Presentations, invited talks, etc. Activities that use your expertise (e.g., consulting, journal reviewer, peer review of grants, service to government agencies) Research or creative accomplishments (e.g., new technologies, patents)
Service Service to department, college, university in past 5 years (committees, administrative support) * Service to society as a representative of the university (community, government, commercial) Service to the discipline or profession, not already noted in the Research section (conference committees, professional associations)
4 external letters of evaluation are required * “External” = outside Penn State University Evaluators must be senior experts in your field They should have no conflicts of interest: no former teachers, mentors, supervisors, bosses, students/trainees, or significant collaborators Do not contact them! Your chair provides the names, and the Dean’s office solicits the letters. * Except for provisional tenure reviews
“What do the external evaluators see?” Your CV,* narrative statement, departmental and COM P&T criteria, and 5 items of scholarship: Peer-reviewed articles (includes print and electronic journals, MedEdPORTAL) Books or book chapters Other publications New educational or patient care approaches that have been evaluated or disseminated Preferably based on work conducted at Penn State during the period under review * COM does not have standard CV format; check with your department
“HR-40” performance evaluations take place each spring Your Department Chair or Division Chief conducts the evaluation and provides written feedback Your opportunity to… Review your progress and identify areas for professional development in preparation for promotion Clarify or renegotiate your effort allocation and 2 expected areas of excellence Modify your mentor team as needed
Read the P&T policies “How can I prepare?” Your department’s P&T policy P&T Statement of the Dean of the College of Medicine * HR-23: Promotion & Tenure Procedures and Regulations * Administrative Guidelines for HR-23 (see Appendix F) * Frequently Asked Questions About Promotion and Tenure * * Available on the Office of Faculty Affairs web site
Keep a detailed file for each of the Dossier sections Continuously update your CV Ask mentors to observe your teaching and give feedback Ensure that student/trainee evaluations of your teaching are collected and compiled Write and disseminate your scholarly work Network externally: attend conferences, give talks, participate in professional associations Get to know the leaders in your field Use COM faculty development tools (e.g., Junior Faculty Development Program, OSLER Workshops, Grants Academy)
Attend Dossier Preparation Workshops Held each spring at the COM – MediaSited to regional campus Important to attend before you prepare your dossier ~ The University tweaks the directions each year ~ We provide tips on avoiding common errors
Questions? Carol Weisman: Cindy Devine: Office of Faculty Affairs website: