OBJECTIVES Develop an understanding of variability in the relationships between particulate organic carbon (POC), light scattering, and ocean color Develop algorithms for estimating POC from optical measurements
BACKGROUND: reflectance Rrs , backscattering bp , and POC Rrs ~ bb / a bb ~ POC because bulk bb is related to particle size-refractive index distributions F(D,n) single particle organic carbon is related to particle size (D) and refractive index (n) Therefore Rrs bb POC
EXAMPLE DATA FROM THE ROSS SEA AND ANTARCTIC POLAR FRONT ZONE Rrs bb bbp POC Note a significant difference for the POC vs bbp relationship between the two regions. No such regional difference is seen in the bb vs Rrs relationship.
In situ measurements on the BIOSOPE cruise Vertical profiling with Multisensor Datalogger System that includes: Hydroscat-6 (HobiLabs) 442, 470, 555, 589, 620, and 671 nm two a-Betas (HobiLabs) 420 and 510 nm two C-Stars (WetLabs) 488 and 660 nm fluorometer WetStar (WetLabs) PAR sensor (Biospherical) CTD sensors (Seabird) The system is “autonomous” in the sense that all the sensors have internal power supply and data storage. The instruments can be deployed using any ship’s winch (there are no special requirements for the winch cable). If separate deployments are impossible then, as a minimum, it would be desirable to integrate Hydroscat-6 and two a-Betas with ship’s rosette or other in situ package to ensure that we have multispectral backscattering capability covering a broad spectral range.
Measurements on discrete water samples Volume scattering function (l = 532 nm, 18 angles between 15o and 165o) with Dawn EOS (Wyatt Tech). Because of limited experience, these measurements will have largely an exploratory character. The protocol will likely include the measurements on untreated and acid-treated samples to separate the contribution of PIC to light scatter. Relatively small volumes of water (~tens to hundreds of mL) will be required. These measurements will be made at selected stations and limited number of depths. Elemental and mineralogical analyses of particulate matter with mass spectroscopy and X-ray techniques. Water samples (~0.5 – 3 L) will be filtered and the sample filters will be stored for post-cruise analyses. These samples will be taken in parallel to samples for light scattering measurements. If water availability is problematic, then the dry weight filters could possibly be used after measuring the dry weight of particles.