Blended Learning Breakout Session by Kim Paytas M.Ed. 909-229-0097
My Bio Teacher Grades 4-9 language Arts, Art & special Ed Technology companies – Motorola, MKS - Marketing & Training M.Ed. Learning Design & Technology
Blended Learning definition and terminology Techniques and Models The four C’s Project Based Instructional Example using template Screencast – description, tools, tips and how to get started Evaluation – Rubric and reflection
Flipped Classroom
Blended learning definition & terminology
What is Blended learning? Combining Online Learning with Face-to-Face Classroom Learning
Blended Learning with terminology Blended Learning - face-to-face and online blend to improve online learning Flipped Learning - online learning is applied to face-to-face Resource: Blended Learning vs Flipped Learning: Can you tell the Difference? In either case you need to give the student an opportunity to apply what they have learned in a project based activity.
"If only [insert subject here] were taught this way when I was in school, I might actually know how to do it.“ Flipped Classroom vs Flipped learning - flipped-classroom-and-flipped-learning Just flipping your classroom is not the same as Flipeed Learning. For learning to take placecler objectives need to be set, based on content and assessment for learning. Also, the teacher must be an active participant and leader in the learning process.
Blended Learning Terminology Flipped Classroom vs Flipped learning: flipping your classroom does not mean students are learning
Blended learning techniques & models
Blended Learning with technology Techniques and Models overview
Blended Learning with technology Three Models: Combination of face-to-face & online learning Project based - Screencasts, web sites readings etc. Mastery Classroom - Content and skills learned at students own pace Flipping Techniques and Models – dan Mcdowell Link
Resource: Flipping Techniques and Models Dan McDowell https://www
Blended Learning with technology Four techniques Content delivery Academic Skill Development Technical Skill Development Instructional Technique Flipping Techniques and Models – dan Mcdowell Link
Project based instructional example using template
Template Elements Overview of lesson Introduction or objective Challenge Process Evaluation – rubric & reflection
Blended Learning Instructional Project Based Benefits: Build Library on LMS to be re-used each year student can review as many times as needed Teacher one-on-one time with students work through problems in class
It’s MESSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blended Learning Instructional project EXAmple SCREENCAST (iMovie) KISS Blended Learning Instructional example Link
Blended Learning preparing 21st century students for a global society (link) An educator’s guide to The four c’s: critical thinking and problem solving communication collaboration creativity and innovation
Screencast description, tools & tips
Screencasting Tools Use the tutorials to learn how to use them. Web-based (Recommended) Screencast-o-matic | Tutorials Chrome Extensions (Recommended) Screencastify | Tutorial iPad Educreations ShowMe Clients Camtasia Studio $99 (Mac / PC) Adobe Captivate $359 (Mac / PC)
Evaluation rubrics & reflection
Reflection Why did you choose this breakout session? What did you know about Blended Learning prior to this session? What did you hope to learn in this session? could you write a project based instructional outline using a template?
Kim paytas E-mail me at call me @ 909-229-0097 Questions? Additional materials? Individual help?