Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Connecting Canadians to Earth Observation David G. Goodenough Hao Chen Jeff Dechka Pacific Forestry Centre Canadian Forest Service Natural Resources © November 28, 2005
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Canadas Forest Sector (1) n Diverse forest area 4.18 million km²; 10% of global forest, 20% of global fresh water supply from forested watersheds, and 94% public ownership
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Canadas Forest Sector (2) n Home to over 140,000 species n 350 forest dependent communities n 850,000 employees n Harvesting – 2% of forest area per year; Losses to insects, disease, and fire > 2% of forest area per year. n Annual sales of $70 billion of forest products n Annual contribution of forest sector to GDP is $35 billion. n Some provinces (e.g. AB, ON, BC) have transferred inventory responsibilities to forest industry; parks are often omitted. n Other nations are monitoring Canadas forests with remote sensing to ensure Canadas compliance with international agreements.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Canadian Forest Service (CFS) n The Canadian Forest Service (CFS) promotes the sustainable development of Canada's forests and competitiveness of the Canadian forest sector. CFS has national and international obligations to report on the state of Canadas forest: National forest inventory and national forest carbon monitoring, accounting, and reporting; Land cover mapping, change monitoring, and sustainable development. SAFORAH R&D and expansion will provide directly: support to Collaborative research of national programs within the Canadian government, scientific institutions, and industries. a practical and efficient tool for the public to access research results and EO information products created from the national programs of the participating departments.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Participating Partners in SAFORAH* n Natural Resources Canada n Canadian Space Agency n MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. n University of Victoria n GeoConnections n Canada Foundation for Innovation n NSERC n BC Common Information Technology Services n Canarie n BC Net *SAFORAH System of Agents for Forest Observation Research with Advanced Hierarchies.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Attributes of SAFORAH n SAFORAH provides centralized metadata management and simplified access to large volumes of EO images and related information products, contributed by CFS forestry centres across Canada. n Distributed data storage facilities in SAFORAH offer flexibility to the data management: Save data at a local data storage; Store data at the large petabyte data storage facility at UVic. n SAFORAH offers web-based user interface to facilitate users to ingest or download EO data and products to or from its distributed data storage facilities. n Dr. Goodenough of CFS is Co-Investigator in a CFI Advanced Computing Facility project led by Dr. Randall Sobie of the University of Victoria to develop a petabyte data storage environment. n SAFORAH provides new capabilities for collaborative research, computing resource sharing and information product distribution.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts SAFORAH Data Grid for CFS
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Data Sharing and Info Products Distribution
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Data Grid Implementation GigE, fibre-based Networking Globus software for Grid Architecture implementation Catalogue and User Data Ordering System (CUDOS) Standard EO metadata format
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts GigE Link for SAFORAH8:57:43 3GB 0:14:09 0:03:18 CFS NoFC CFS AFC CFS LFC
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Requirements for SAFORAH Access n Internet access n Internet Explorer n At initial access, request user name and password, open to all Canadians. n With user name and password, user can search and download individual Landsat scenes (1990 and 2000), Canada mosaics, and products created from these scenes for: Land cover Change Biomass n Data are provided at no cost.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Requirements for Data Ingest by Partners n Linux Computer (Redhat, Fermi, or SUSE) n Fast network connection (GigE link preferred) n Grid software (Globus Toolkit 2 – free downloading) n Grid certificate from Grid Canada n Firewall requirements: 1.GRAM Gatekeeper: 2119/tcp 2.GRIS or GIIS service: 2135/tcp 3.GridFTP: 2811/tcp 4.Controllable ephemeral ports: SAFORAH Web Access: GSI-Enabled SSH: 22/tcp 7.Static IP 8.Destination IP addresses: n Internet Explorer (Online user interface)
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts EO Images and Products in SAFORAH n EO images and EOSD information products in SAFORAH
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts Canada Mosaic National project - EOSD A compressed version of Canada Mosaic, made up of more than 500 Landsat images (2000) and created in the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) project, was successfully distributed freely to the public via SAFORAH. A compressed version of Canada Mosaic, made up of more than 500 Landsat images (2000) and created in the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EOSD) project, was successfully distributed freely to the public via SAFORAH.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts EOSD Land Cover Classification – Sample Product Map Area approx. 14,850 km 2 Product based on 1:250K NTS Grid Land Cover Classification Sample Product to NFI Level-4 Classes, e.g. Map Sheet 93F – Nechako River, B.C.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts National Program - Radarsat-2 Project n Radarsat-2 will offer better resolution and polarization than Radarsat-1 and Envisat ASAR and will certainly improve change detection, forest classification, clearcut, burned areas, and biomass estimation. n Launch: December 2006 n Coverage of Canada (SLC): estimate at 20 TB & related products
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts National Program - HERO n HERO Hyperspectral Environment and Resource Observer. n HERO is a Canadian hyperspectral satellite. HERO will carry a sensor with the following properties: 30 m resolution, 30 km swath, 600:1 SNR in VNIR; 400 nm to 2500 nm; 10 nm bandwidth; 12-bit per band; Landsat orbit. The data policy for HERO will be open, no copyright. n Launch is planned for n Coverage of Canada: Estimate at 22 TB & related products For Forestry, HERO will provide forest inventory to the species level, forest chemistry, forest health, and aboveground carbon measurements.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts SAFORAH Expansion of the SAFORAH data grid to all CFS centres, CSA, Environment Canada, and Agricultural and Agrifoods Canada and report on expected results versus departmental needs; Research on new software systems to provide web-based GRID architecture, distributed agents, and access to petabyte data storage and two supercomputers at UVic; Centralized metadata service ensuring information standards and user feedback maintained; Improved distributed data service that catalogues, stores, distributes, manages, tracks, and protects CFS earth-observation images from satellite, aircraft and other remote-sensing sources; Participating departments and agencies have separate security and data management views to support their own objectives; Canadian public has easy access to acquire EO products from participating SAFORAH partners; New sensor types for CFS national projects.
Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada Canadian Forest Service Service canadien des forêts CANARIE and BCNet n SAFORAH would not be possible without the Canarie backbone and the BCNet infrastructure. n Because of this infrastructure, we are able to use the University of Victorias advanced research computing facilities, including: Petabyte data store under development Linux clusters Supercomputers n Some UVic students are involved in all aspects of the SAFORAH project. n We see the GRID architecture and high bandwidth infrastructure as revolutionizing the research environment for the Government of Canada.