6. So that you may Learn 1 Corinthians 4:1-21 p. 1054
Happy New Year The Year of the RAT Our character is not set by the stars. We are uniquely created by God We are all called to faith in Christ. Paul challenged the Corinthians for being “infants”
1. Being Faithful Servants They should be following Christ, not his servants. The master will be the judge of each one. There was a faction in Corinth judging Paul. Paul is a “servant” and a “STEWARD”. (v 1) A slave set in authority to run the household. Paul has been entrusted with “the mysteries of God” “His word is law”
2. Enduring Shame & Hardship What it looks like to be faithful: Worldly measures – power, wealth, status, They were overstating where they stood in Christ (v 8) They were the opposite of the apostles (v 10) They were fitting in very well to worldly standards Accommodating themselves to the culture. A crucified messiah calling for repentance & faith . . . . . . an offense. It’s what Paul and others were facing every day (v 11-13)
3. Their Father in Christ He cares as a “father” cares for his “children” (v 14-15) An image he uses in a number of letters (e.g. 1 Thess 2:11) Establishes his motivations and responsibilities. Parents provide, guide, correct . . . because of love.
Not contradicting Jesus – see Matt 23:9. 3. Their Father in Christ . . . Not contradicting Jesus – see Matt 23:9. (e.g. Luke 14:26) Jesus must be understood in context. Jesus is emphasizing ultimate reality. God is our one true father We love him so much – love for spouse, children, is “hate”
Paul is a “father” to guide and nurture them. 3. Their Father in Christ . . . Paul is a “father” to guide and nurture them. Many guardians – He is their “father” The “guardian” a slave like a governess or nanny. We have many friends & mentors – not spiritual “fathers” Set such an example – “urge you to imitate me” (v 16) Call to the same lifestyle of faithfulness (v 12-13)
Paul’s authority revealed by the “power” of his words 3. Their Father in Christ . . . Paul’s authority revealed by the “power” of his words Not specifically signs and wonders Spirit convicts of the “wisdom” and truth of his words. A Test for those who are “fathers in the Lord”. (Jas 3:1)
Living it Give up quarrelling and their focus on servants. Love their Lord and master – Jesus. A crucified messiah is the wisdom of God. Maturity revealed in being offensive to the world because of Christ. A difference – guardians & “fathers in the Lord”