RULING PUERTO RICO: American forces landed in Puerto Rico in July 1898. Many Puerto Ricans began to resent the military government. In 1900, Congress passed the Foraker Act which ended military rule & set up a civil government
Control over CUBA… Although Cuba was officially independent after the war, the U.S. army remained there for 4 years It punished Cubans who were against this American occupation.
PLATT AMENDMENT: When Cuba’s new government wrote a constitution in 1900, the U.S. insisted they add the “PLATT AMENDMENT” This limited Cuba’s rights in dealing w/other countries….gave the U.S. special privileges, including the right to intervene to preserve order.
PROTECTORATE…. Cuba became a U.S. “protectorate”. A “Protectorate” is a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power. The U.S. insisted on these rights b/c of its economic interests in Cuba.
FILIPINOS REBEL They were angry that the U.S. had annexed their islands after years of fighting for independence.
EMILIO AGUINALDO Filipino rebel leader who believed that the U.S. had promised independence. He felt the U.S. had betrayed the Filipinos after helping them win independence.
1899, Aguinaldo started a rebellion that lasted 3 years. (Philippine-American War) Pictured below are Filipino P.O.W.’s U.S. won & set up a government similar to the one it had set up in Cuba.
CHINA: By 1899, many countries had economic interests in China U.S. wanted to be able to trade with China too. Secretary of State John Hay sent the “OPEN DOOR NOTES” to these countries calling for China’s port to be open to ALL countries.
BOXER REBELLION: In 1900, a secret society in China started a rebellion to protest “western influence”. Troops from countries (including U.S.) fought the rebel, or “Boxers”. After the Boxer Rebellion was defeated, U.S. issued more Open Door notes to make sure other countries didn’t make colonies out of China.
How did Americans feel about U.S. imperialism? With the reelection of President William McKinley in 1900, it seems that most Americans agreed w/imperialism. An Anti-Imperialist League formed including former president Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, Jane Addams, & Mark Twain.
President McKinley Assassinated! Pres. McKinley assassinated in 1901. Teddy Roosevelt becomes president & continues policies of “imperialism”
TEDDY ROOSEVELT & THE WORLD…. Roosevelt 1st used U.S. influence to help settle the Russo-Japanese War
RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR Began in 1904 when both Russia & Japan wanted to control Korea. Japan captured Korea & also invaded Manchuria… which was controlled by Russia
Roosevelt mediates… 1905, representatives of Russia & Japan met. Roosevelt used his personal charm to help them negotiate a compromise. They signed a treaty, and Roosevelt received the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. The Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway.
PANAMA CANAL Idea was to build a canal to connect the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Such a canal would cut travel time for ships b/c they wouldn’t have to go all the way around South America.
Panama was a province of Columbia. Columbia did not agree to the canal. So, U.S. helped Panama rebel against Colombia.
Panama became independent… Then, U.S. got Panama’s permission to build the canal.
Construction of the Panama Canal: Work began in 1904 & took 10 years In 1913, there were 43,400 workers on the hard & dangerous project.
Canal officially opens Aug Canal officially opens Aug. 15, 1914 Over 1,000 ships passed through that 1st year
ROOSEVELT COROLLARY Roosevelt’s statement to Congress in 1904… He wanted the U.S. to be the major power in the Caribbean & Central America
Roosevelt Corollary was the logical result of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 Roosevelt now said that the U.S had the right to intervene in Latin American countries to protect U.S. business interests. (“Big Stick” policy)
In 1911, Pres. Taft used Roosevelt’s policy in Nicaragua.
A rebellion had left the country in debt. Taft arranged for U.S. bankers to loan Nicaragua $... In exchange, American business took control of the railroads & banks…also collected Nicaragua’s custom duties
DOLLAR DIPLOMACY: Nicaraguans didn’t like this arrangement. They rebelled. The U.S. sent in troops to Nicaragua preserve peace. Those who didn’t like this kind of intervention called it “dollar diplomacy”.
WOODROW WILSON’S MISSIONARY DIPLOMACY Why did President Wilson send troops to Mexico?
President Wilson took a step beyond Presidents Monroe & Roosevelt… Wilson added a “moral” tone to Latin American policy. His “missionary diplomacy” meant that the U.S. could not officially recognize governments that were oppressive, undemocratic, or opposed to U.S. business interests. A revolution in Mexico tested this policy…….
MEXICAN PEASANTS & WORKERS REBEL: They rebelled in 1910 against their military dictator. The start of the Mexican Revolution: the Serdán family opens a revolt in Puebla, Nov.18.1910 2 new governments followed, the 2nd headed by General Victoriano Huerta.
Wilson refused to support the Huerta government b/c it came to power through violence. When a new leader, Venustiano Carranza, took power in Mexico, Wilson withdrew the troops THEN…..
Francisco “Pancho” Villa… Francisco “Pancho” Villa…. Leader of rebels who revolted against Carranza
Some American’s killed by Villa’s followers….. U.S. wanted to capture Villa. Mexican government gave U.S. permission to send in troops
Wilson sent General John J. Pershing to Mexico with 15,000 soldiers A year later, Villa was still free. Wilson then stationed 150,000 Natl’Guardsmen along the border.
General John J. Pershing PERSHING, JOHN J. Brigadier General, U.S. Army Commander decorations U.S. Army, Supplement V, 1941 Home Town: Laclede, Missouri Date of Action: June 15, 1913
Mexicans angered by U.S. invasion. 1916, U.S. troops fought w/Carranza’s army. In 1917, Wilson withdrew U.S. troops b/c U.S. was facing possible war in Europe.
Mexico finally adopted a constitution, regained control of their own resources & put limits on foreign investment American intervention in Mexico showed how far the U.S. was willing to go to protect its economic interests.