Agenda Welcoming message-Dr. Skedel PTSA Mission and Values-Amanda McKay Growth Mindset-Don Wilson Senior expectations Senior Dates and Information – Katelyn Cryderman Yearbook dates – Sarah Millard Counseling Info – Linda Veeser
Senior Expectations Demonstrate maturity, and positive choices Leadership and Legacy Finish Strong Victory Lap Ceremonies and Celebration
PTSA Senior All Night Party – June 8 2017 Volunteers are needed to chair/co-chair committees: Casino Decorations Security Food Cargo Hold Registration Solicitations Then and Now Volunteers are needed to assist committees Committees have documentation from several years. Fairly well oiled machine Many volunteers will be needed the night of SANP
SCHS Administration Dr. Skedel Mr. Jackacki Dr. McKay & Mr. May
Pride in Excellence U.S News and World Report State and National Rankings AP Course work Athletic Accomplishments Unique passions and achievements
SCHS Mission Respectful Caring/Compassionate Positive and Passionate Grit and Persistence Don Wilson and Growth Mindsets Integrity Stoney Creek is a student-centered, caring community with high expectations, successfully preparing students for the future.
The two mindsets
WHY? Over the past few years, some of our staff have noticed an increase in: Anxiety Fear of Failure Fear of Risk Cheating Lack of Coping Skills Potentially unhealthy view of success Social disconnection Dependence/lack of confidence
Grit: the power of passion and perseverance by Angela Ducksworth Through her research, the author found that “grit” was 2x to 3x more indicative of future success than talent in many fields including: Music, Military Officer Training, Sales, Consulting, Athletics, and inside the classroom.
Resources https://www.smore.com/k3ce2 A collection of videos, images, and links related to the growth mindset Authors: Carol Dweck - Mindset Angela Duckworth – Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance Madeline Levine – Parenting for Success; Parenting for Authentic Success TED Talks and Podcasts– search growth mindset or grit
Senior Privileges Locker banks Parking lot Off-campus lunch privileges Activities Leadership
Text Messaging Updates: Twitter: follow @SCSeniors17 SENIOR INFO Website: www.schsseniors.weebly.com Text Messaging Updates: Remind 101: Text @sc17 to 81010 Twitter: follow @SCSeniors17
Senior Class Advisor Katelyn Cryderman Important Dates to Remember: · September 15th & 16th – Cap and gown orders due (will be turned in during lunch to the senior locker bank) October 15th – Yearbook Picture Deadline December 15th – Parent Pride Deadline for the Yearbook May 16th – Honors Convocation May 25th – Prom June 8th – Commencement Rehearsal, Commencement Ceremony, and Senior All Night Party
Yearbook Information Sarah Millard Senior Pictures: Students NOT getting their yearbook pose taken through Prestige must upload a digital file that meets SCHS yearbook specifications to yearbookforever.comby October 15th, 2016. Students who do get their yearbook pose taken through Prestige have until October 15th to be photographed and October 29th to choose the pose. If you do not choose a photo by October 29th, the studio will choose for you. Prestige will hand deliver all senior pictures directly to Mrs. Millard. You do not need to upload your senior picture.
Counseling Information Linda Veeser
College Application Process
Counseling Information www.smore.com/53hay
Best School Year Yet We value student and parent feedbac. If you have concerns let us know. We want this to be the BEST SCHOOL YEAR YET!!! Have a great year.