MRABFH SE604 Software Testing and QA Lecture #2: Contract Review Lecture #3: SQA Planning . Slides by Mohammad El-Ramly, PhD MRABFH
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Course Organization Fundamentals of SW Quality Assurance 4~5 wks 2. Software Vulnerabilities 1~2 wks Guest 3- Software Testing 4~5 wks Guest / Me 4- Presentations 1~2 wks Students
Assessment 40% Coursework A1=5 + A2=7 + A3~=6 10% Midterm 50% Final
Lecture 2 Outline Pre-project QA Activities Assignment #2 Contract Review QA Planning Assignment #2 Assignment #1 presentations
Techniques for Improving SW Quality (Code Complete) SW Q Objectives & Planning Explicit QA Activities Testing Strategy SE Guidelines Formal / Informal Technical Reviews Change-control Procedures Measurement of Results Prototyping
Assignment 1 – 5 marks Due 30 Sep 2017 @ 8 am Write 6 pages of font 12, single spaced Header, title, etc. P1 – Introduce yourself, your study and your experience. P2&3 – Summarize the most important points in readings of week 1. P4&5&6 – Interview 3 developers / managers in 3 companies about (1) what they do, (2) what process they follow and (3) QA activities they do Prepare 6-min prez on your report. Upload in acadox by deadline.
Notes on Assignment 1 Name files properly: Follow instructions closely SE604-MohamedAli-Assignemnt1-Presentation Follow instructions closely Every file should have a proper header. You should learn technical writing Follow format or template Cairo not cairo Use font 24 or 28 minimum for slides Use presentation template Presentation means ppt or prez or others
Assignment 2 – 7 marks Due 7 & 10 & 14 Oct 2017 @ 8 am Read the sample contracts @ acadox. Read chapters 5 and 6. Read carefully proposal / contract review check list. Here are some links also. Share any better links you find with the class. Identify the main parts that a SW development contract should have. Do you have a group of any kind ?
Assignment 2 – 7 marks Assume a system whose requirements are not less than three pages. You can get it from the net and share it with others. By 7 Oct 2017 @ 8 am submit a contact for implementing this software. (3 marks) By 10 Oct 2017 @ 8 am submit a review of another contract that you will be assigned by the Dr. (2 marks) By 14 Oct. 2017 @ 8 am submit final version of the contract after implementing the comments in the review & explain what you changed. (2 marks) Follow the instructions on next page carefully.
Assignment 2 – Draft Contract سيكتب العقد باللغة العربية ستفترض عميلا يريد تنفيذ هذا البرنامج و أنت الشركة المطورة له لا يقل العقد عن 5 صفح فونت 12 و مسافة واحدة + صفحة غلاف فيها البيانات الأساسية و ايميلك و هاتفك سيلحق بالعقد كملحق مواصفات البرنامج المطلوب يكتب العقد بصيغة واضحة و تنسيق جيد و لغة سليمة العقد الجيد يغطى كل المتعلقات بتنفيذ البرنامج ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: اسم الشركة و العميل و مقرهما ، تعريفات ، المواصفات المطلوبة و مراجعتها و اعتمادها ، الاعمال المطلوبة و الجدول الزمنى ، السعر و المدفوعات ، كيفية التعامل مع التعديلات ، خدمات ما بعد البيع من صيانة و تدريب و تدشين ، ملكية البرنامج و الترخيصات و حق بيعه ثانية ، الضمان ضد العيوب ، المسؤولية لو فيه جزء منه مسروق من آخرين ، انهاء المشروع بشكل سليم أو فى حالة النزاع ، المحكمة المختصة ، الخصوصية ‘ إلخ. يمكنك استشارة محامى لو لديك صلة بأحدهم يتم تخزين العقد فى ملفى بى دى اف بالاسم التالى و رفعه على أكادوكس SE604-Assignment2-InitialContract-YourName
Assignment 2 – Contract Review ستقوم بمراجعة عقد أحد الزملاء الذى سأخصصه لك قم مراجعة جيدة و متعمقة على أكمل وجه فى ضوء مواصفات البرنامج المقترحة انظر هل يغطى العقد كل الاجزاء المطلوبة و استخدم Review Checklists لا تقل المراجعة عن صفحتين فونت 12 و مسافة واحدة + صفحة غلاف فيها البيانات الأساسية و ايميلك و هاتفك و بيانات العقد الذى تراجعه يتم تخزين العقد فى ملفى بى دى اف بالاسم التالى و رفعه على أكادوكس و ارساله لصاحب الملف الأصلى أيضا SE604-Assignment2-ContractReview-ReviewerName
Assignment 2 – Final Contract ستقرأ المراجعات جيدا و تقوم بتنفيذ اهم ما فيها ستعد نسخة معدلة من العقد مع اضافة (1) سكشن يذكر فيه ما الذى تم تغييره و (2) المصادر المستعملة. يتم تخزين العقد الجديد فى ملفى بى دى اف بالاسم التالى SE604-Assignment2-FinalContract-YourName سترفع على أكادوكس ملف مضغوط اسمه كالتالى SE604-Assignment2-YourName يحتوى على الملفات الثلاثة ، العقد الأولى ، و المراجعة التى عملها زميلك و العقد النهائى كلها بصورة بى دى اف SE604-Assignment2-InitialContract-YourName SE604-Assignment2-ContractReview-ReviewerName
Assignment 2 – Important Notes بعض الطلاب سلم عقدا كاملا جاهزا حصل عليه من أى مصدر و عليه حتى اسم العميل و اسم المطور !! ما هى الدرجة التى تتوقعها على ذلك ؟؟ كل ما يتم تسليمه يجب أن يكون أصليا من عمل الطالب من الألف للياء و تم إعداده حصريا لهذا المقرر. عند الحاجة الضرورية للنقل من أى مصدر ، يجب أن يتم النص على ذلك صراحة مع ذكر المصدر فى قائمة المصادر. لو قمت بذلك لديك يومان لتعديل هذا الخطأ. و يجب على جميع الطلاب ذكر كافة المصادر المستعملة فى نهاية العقد النهائى مع روابطها.
Software Quality Landscape Change and Configuration Management Software Quality Landscape Reviews Collaborative Development / Reviews Requirements V & V Guidelines, Standards and Templates Design Review Bug Tracking Surveys Contract Review QA Planning and Budgeting Testing Metrics Secure Coding Debugging Refactoring Planning Deployment & Maintenance Design Requirements Testing Development M a n a g e m e n t
Software Quality Landscape Change and Configuration Management Software Quality Landscape Reviews Collaborative Development / Reviews Requirements V & V Guidelines, Standards and Templates Design Review Bug Tracking Surveys Contract Review QA Planning and Budgeting Testing Metrics Secure Coding Secure Coding Debugging Refactoring Planning Deployment & Maintenance Design Requirements Testing Development M a n a g e m e n t
Pre-project QA So, it is natural to start QA before project. Contract review Draft Proposal Review Draft Contract Review Planning and budgeting
Ch 5 Outline: Contract Review Introduction Contract Review Process Objectives of Contract Review Implementation of Contract Review
Ch 6 Outline: QA Plan Development & quality plans objectives Elements of the development plan Elements of the quality plan Development and quality plans for small and for internal projects SW development risks / risk management
1. Intro A bad contract is always an undesirable event. Involves Loosely defined requirements Unrealistic schedules and budgets Hidden clauses Will result in poor quality SW and project loss.
Carnegie Fruits and Vegetables Project CFV project team finished on schedule 10 months project System registers product receipts from growers, processes clients’ orders, and produce shipments to clients, bills clients, and calculates payments made to the growers. 4. Client staff are to be trained on site
Contracts come from ….. Participation in a tender. Submission of a proposal according to the customer’s RFP. Receipt of an order from a company’s customer. Receipt of an internal request or order from another department in the organization.
2. The Contract Review Process Contract review is the SQA component devised to guide review drafts of proposal and contract documents. If applicable, contract review also provides oversight of the contacts carried out with potential project partners and subcontractors.
The Contract Review Process The review process itself is conducted in two stages: Stage One – Review of the proposal draft prior to submission to the potential customer (“proposal draft review”). Stage Two – Review of contract draft prior to signing (“contract draft review”).
I. Proposal Review This stage reviews the final proposal draft and the proposal’s foundations: customer’s requirement documents, customer’s additional details and explanations of the requirements, cost and resources estimates, existing contracts or contract drafts of the supplier with partners and subcontractors.
II. Contract Review This stage reviews the contract draft on the basis of the proposal and the understandings (including changes) reached during the contract negotiations sessions.
3. Proposal Draft Review Objectives Customer requirements have been clarified and documented. Alternative approaches for carrying out the project have been examined. Software reuse, Partnerships or subcontracting with firms with specialized knowledge or staff.
3. Proposal Draft Review Objectives Formal aspects of the relationship between the customer and the software firm have been specified. Communication and interface channels. Deliverables and acceptance criteria. Formal Approval process
3. Proposal Draft Review Objectives Identification of development risks. Adequate estimation of project resources and timetable. Professional staff Project’s budget, Including subcontractors’ fees. Scheduling estimates (including all parties)
3. Proposal Draft Review Objectives Examination of the company’s capacity with respect to the project. Examination of the customer’s capacity to meet his commitments. Finances Installing required H/W, S/W, Communication Hiring required skills.
3. Proposal Draft Review Objectives Definition of partner and subcontractor participation. Quality assurance issues, Payment schedules, Distribution of project income/profits, Cooperation between PM and teams. Definition and protection of IP rights. License to reuse existing S/W Future ownership of the SW
3. Contract Draft Review Objectives No unclarified issues remain All the understandings reached between the customer and the firm are to be fully and correctly documented in the contract and its appendices No changes, additions, or omissions that have not been discussed and agreed upon should be introduced into the contract draft
4. Implementation of Contract Review Contract reviews vary in their magnitude Magnitude varies depending on project characteristics and magnitude and complexity.
Factors affecting the extent of a contract review Project magnitude, man-month Project technical complexity. Degree of staff acquaintance with and experience in the project area. Project organizational complexity. (i.e., for partners, subcontractors, and customers)
Who performs a contract review? The leader or another member of the proposal team. The members of the proposal team. An outside professional or a company staff member who is not a member of the proposal team. A team of outside experts.
Contract review for a major proposal Very large-scale project, Very high technical complexity, New professional area for the company, High organizational complexity
Difficulties of contract review CR for a major proposal Time pressures (in a few days during tender process) Requires professional experience Usually done by senior busy staff
Tips for contract review CR for a major proposal Schedule CR time in proposal writing A team should carry out the contract review A contract review team leader should be appointed Recruitment of the team members Distribution of review tasks Coordination between the members Follow-up of activities
Contract reviews for internal projects IT department serving others Not formal customer-supplier relation Mild or brief review is usually done
6.2 Elements of Development Plan Project products, specifying “deliverables” Project interfaces Project’s methodology and development tools Software development standards and procedures Map of the development process Project milestones Project staff organization and coordination with external participants Required development facilities Development risks and risk management actions Control methods Project cost estimates
6.3 Elements of QA Plan Quality goals Quantitative measures
6.3 Elements of QA Plan Planned testing activities A comprehensive list of all tests planned. Unit, integration and system testing. Tools and procedures of testing. Testing schedule. By who
6.3 Elements of QA Plan 3. Planned review activities complete listing of all planned review activities: design reviews (DRs), design inspections, code inspections, etc. Scope, type, schedule, procedures of review activities By who
6.3 Elements of QA Plan 4. Planned acceptance tests for externally developed software A complete list of the acceptance tests planned for externally developed software should be provided within the quality plan. Purchased software, Software developed by subcontractors, Customer-supplied software.
6.3 Elements of QA Plan 5. Configuration Management The quality plan should specify configuration management CM tools and procedures Change-control procedures meant to be applied throughout the project. QA Plan can be part of Development Plan or a separate document. And it should be formally approved.
6.3 Elements of QA Plan
6.4 QA Plan for Small Projects
6.4 Plans for Internal Projects The Marketing Department of Toyware Ltd, a new computer games manufacturer, had planned to hit the market with “Super-Monster 2000”, the firm’s new, advanced computer game, during the upcoming Christmas season. The Software Development Department claimed that work on the game should commence immediately in order to complete the project on time. Therefore, preparation of a proposal for discussion by the Marketing and Software Development Departments, and the subsequent preparation of development and quality plans, were not viewed as necessary. The Development Department estimated the project budget at $240 000, which was transferred to the Department. According to the marketing timetable, system tests were to be completed no later than 1 October so as to allow the Marketing Department to carry out the required promotion and advertising campaigns in time for the Christmas sales season. As the project progressed, it appeared that there might be a delay, but only at the end of June was it obvious that a three-month delay could not be avoided. The promotional and advertising activities that had taken place before 30 June thus became worthless. The project was finally completed at the end of February. The project’s cost overrun was significant – actual costs exceeded $385 000 – but most painful was the company’s lost opportunity to exploit the Christmas market. Last week, the company’s management decided to avoid any future internal computer game development projects.
Benefits of QA Plan for Internal Development Ovid overruns Avoid damage to other projects Avoid market damage Internal Customer Smaller delays and budget overruns Better control of the process Organization Reduced Risk
6A Risks Potential Risks (1) Scheduling and timing risks (2) System functionality risks (3) Subcontracting risks (4) Requirements management risks (5) Resource usage and performance risks (6) Personnel management risks.
Risk Management Framework 1- Risk Identification 2- Risk Analysis. 3- Risk Planning 4- Risk Monitoring
Risk Identification This is the process of identifying all possible risks that might arise along the project execution. "
Risk Analysis This is the process of analyzing the risks and estimating their probability of occurrence and potential impact on cost, schedule, scope and performance.
Risk Exposure Risk Exposure = Impact of Risk x Probability of Occurrence
Risk Planning 1- Risk Avoidance 2- Risk Acceptance 3- Risk Reduction 4- Risk Mitigation 5- Risk Transfer
Risk management process
Readings Chapters 6 and 5, Software Quality Assurance From theory to implementation for Daniel Galin, 2004 Chapters 1 and 2 CC Chap 22