What is the definition of Organic Geochemistry? Organic Geochemistry is the outgrowth of the application of the principles and methods of organic chemistry to petroleum refining and petroleum geology. Plays important role in petroleum exploration, where it is provide good information about origin, migration, accumulation and alteration of petroleum the earth’s crust. This branch of science has attracted growing number of scientists over the last five decades
BASES OF ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY I. Routine Organic Geochemistry 1. Bitumen analysis 2. Total organic carbon (TOC) 3. Time temperature index (TTI) 4. Vitrinite reflectance measurements (Ro %) 5. Thermal burial history modeling 6. Elemental analysis 7. Gas chromatographic analysis 8. Sulfur content 9. Specific gravity (API)
II. Advances Organic Geochemistry 1. Development of mass spectrometric analyses of hydrocarbons on the basis of carbon and hydrogen, leading to the discovery of n-paraffin distributions 2. Carbon isotopic studies were applied to petroleum and other sedimentary organic materials 3. Gas chromatography (later coupled with mass spectrometry) 4. Development of the biomarker concept, chemical fossils and geochemical fossils in sediments and crude oils with their living organisms 5. Development and use of Rock-Eval, pyrolysis method of source-rock characterization and evaluation
APPLICATIONS 1. Quantity of Organic Matter 2. Quality of Organic Matter 3. Maturation of Organic Matter 4. Crude oil evaluation and characterization 5. Origin and compositions of natural gases 6. Geochemical characteristics of condensates 7. Source rock–crude oil correlation 8. Source depositional environments 9. Time of petroleum generation and expulsion
Mohamed El Nady