Europeans come to the New World Early Explorers Europeans come to the New World
Motivations the expansion of international trade was both a cause and result of the Age of Exploration Europeans wanted to more goods from the Far East (China, Asia, Indies) without the added expense of paying merchants (middle men) Portugal was the first country to seek a water route to Asia because of their geographic location and the leadership of Prince Henry political factors included competition between nations England and other countries in Europe became interested in the New World after Spain found gold and silver which made them the most powerful nation in Europe England became the most dominant country in the settlement of North America
Technology Celestial Stars Cartography Caravel Compass Astrolabe
Leif Eriksson Leif Eriksson was a Viking from Greenland who sailed the northern Atlantic Ocean and settled briefly in North America (Vineland) the combative (fighting) nature of the Vikings with other European nations did not allow them to share their discover, so North America remained unknown to most Europeans
Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus (Spain) searched for a faster route to the Spice Islands Columbus sailed west because the Portuguese controlled the eastern route around Africa Columbus believed the world was small enough that he could reach the Far East by sailing west Columbus was not the first person to believe the world was round (most educated people held this belief) Columbus did not reach his goal to bring back riches from the Far East, instead he discovered San Salvador (West Indies) which became a gateway for Spanish settlements in North and South America
Ferdinand Magellan Ferdinand Magellan (Spain) was the first to sail around the world although he died before he complete his journey
Hernando de Soto Hernando de Soto (Spain) explored the southwestern and southeastern region (Florida) of the United States and called the land New Spain
John Cabot John Cabot (England) searched for a faster route to the Indies known as the Northwest Passage Cabot attempted to replicate Columbus’ route but in a northwest direction (as far north as the Arctic Circle) in an attempt to find a link between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans there is no Northwest Passage but all lands explored by Cabot were claimed for England
Henry Hudson Henry Hudson sailed for both the Netherlands and England in search of the Northwest Passage Hudson mapped and claimed land in New York for the Dutch and lands in Canada for the English the Hudson River and Hudson Bay are named after Henry Hudson England claimed the coast of North America calling it Virginia and New England the Dutch claimed the area around the Hudson River and named it New Netherlands and New Amsterdam (present day New York)
Robert LaSalle Robert LaSalle (France) explored the entire length Mississippi River down to the Gulf of Mexico and named the area Louisiana as a part of New France
Explorers Song (to the tune of If Your Happy and You Know It) Europe wanted silk and spice and gold, (clap, clap) but Marco Polo’s route was getting old. (clap, clap) Asia was their goal so they sent an exploring soul and that’s when exploration got on a roll.
Columbus sailed from Spain across the sea (clap, clap) and landed in the Bahamas when they were free. (clap, clap) Then he took all their gold and they did what they were told because Columbus sold them into slavery.
Cabot tried to copy what he did. (clap, clap) He took the Northwest route instead. (clap, clap) He found Newfoundland and the English had a grin, but exploration wasn’t done quite yet.
Hudson also went a Northwest way Hudson also went a Northwest way. (clap, clap) In Canada, found his river and his bay. (clap, clap) He claimed it for the Dutch though he was English more like us and that’s when New York’s natives started to fuss.
Magellan searched and searched for a straight (clap, clap) to lead him to the islands where spices were made. (clap, clap) He made it to the Philippians, but died in a battle. But his crew made it around the rest of the world.
Hernando de Soto searched for gold. (clap, clap) He looked in North America where he was told. (By Spain) He never found the gold but he mapped the country we know from Florida to North Carolina.
Robert LaSalle explored for France Robert LaSalle explored for France. (clap, clap) He found the Native Americans to be good friends. (clap, clap) He explored the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico and claimed all the area for France.