“The Lady” and Luc Besson’s auteur style General Ne Win’s suspicions and control The viewer is led below the surface of society to see a more distasteful reality: General Ne Win has civilian informants watching all aspects of society; one of these plainly-dressed men who has seen Aung San Suu Kyi arrive at the airport, approaches General Ne Win. Authorities are often dysfunctional and ineffective: General Ne Win is portrayed as suspicious and nervous; he does not make eye-contact with the civilian man and touches his face/chin as he processes the information; he sends the man back quickly to watch Aung San Suu Kyi.
“The Lady” and Luc Besson’s auteur style General Ne Win visiting a tarot card reader The viewer is led below the surface of society to see a more distasteful reality: As General Ne Win’s new car enters the back streets of Rangoon, it is in direct contrast to the dirty, worn-down and poverty-stricken environment. The entrance of the building is almost hidden. A man dressed in the same dulled civilian colours as his informant, opens the car door, indicating that the General has spies everywhere. High angle long and medium-shots follow the General as he walks down a darkened corridor. Eerie non-diegetic pan flutes are heard which add to the foreign nature of the setting. This oriental sound also indicates that the tarot card reader is an (undesirable) reality of Burmese culture.
“The Lady” and Luc Besson’s auteur style General Ne Win visiting a tarot card reader Authorities are often dysfunctional and ineffective: The tarot card reader orders General Ne Win to take off his shoes; he (the leader of a country) is subservient to her. General Ne Win confides in the woman stating “I am surrounded by enemies” and wants to know if he should “eliminate” Aung San Suu Kyi – unable to make his own authoritative decisions; is superstitious and his actions are guided by these. When the woman states that “if the country is at peace, it won’t need the spirit”, the General is content and replies, “your advice is always invaluable.” This indicates he has sought her guidance many times, indicating that major political decisions are in her hands.
“The Lady” and Luc Besson’s auteur style General Ne Win visiting a tarot card reader Questions a society’s morality: Luc Besson here presents the corruption in the Burmese government under the leadership of General Ne Win from 1962 onwards. Besson presents how Burma deteriorated financially and morally under General Ne Win, through his dysfunctional and illogical decision-making. Besson presents how this military dictator was self-serving instead of people-focused. These scenes also contrast directly with Aung San Suu Kyi’s upright and strong moral character: her family and people come first.
“The Lady” and Luc Besson’s auteur style General Ne Win visiting a tarot card reader Cinéma du look: The visual elements of this scene are able to tell the story: Lighting in the building is minimal: mystery, uncertainty, hidden acts take place there. Blue lighting behind the woman creates an illuminating almost supernatural effect around her. The red light behind the General reflects his communist beliefs (sacrifice/blood of the people). Costume: General Ne Win’s military decorations are a direct contrast to the tattooed markings, wrinkled skin, dirty nails, bangles and dull, worn clothing of the tarot card reader. His hat and shoes (authority) are removed- he should not be consulting with this woman who has no authority and is involved in secret arts.
“The Lady” and Luc Besson’s auteur style General Ne Win visiting a tarot card reader Cinéma du look: The visual elements of this scene are able to tell the story: The setting shows tarot cards on a small table. The woman and General Ne Win faces the cards for wisdom/direction. Props: General Ne Win places a Burmese note on the table showing a close-up of General Aung San’s face: he wants to know if the “ghost” of the General is threatening his leadership. The woman places a card with a lion in front of him, which represents Britain and its sovereignty, where Aung San Suu Kyi has come from.