WMOLearn – Events Calendar A WMO Global Campus Initiative Collaborative Effort With The Caribbean Institute For Meteorology & Hydrology (CIMH) & World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Purpose The WMOLearn Events Calendar is an initiative to collate and share training events across WMO Member institutions and National Meteorological Hydrological Services. The Calendar provides a web-based platform for informing the WMO and related communities of upcoming training events and opportunities on offer with the aim of increasing training opportunities while reducing the cost of training.
CIMH Role CIMH provides a physical and virtual space for hosting the WMOLearn Events Calendar. Initially, the UK Meteorological Office hosted the original version of the website. After some deliberation, CIMH offered some of its resources to host the platform. Help to develop the WMOLearn - Events Calendar with the Global Campus Technical Task Team. CIMH also provided technical expertise to work with the Global Campus Task Team.
CIMH Role CIMH’s IT Developers: Global Campus Task Team: Daison Lowe - IT Specialist (Lead Developer) Branden Spooner - Web Developer Global Campus Task Team: Bruce Muller (COMET) Patrick Parrish (WMO ETR) Luciane Veeck (WMO/CGMS) VLab) Eduard Podgaiskii (RSHU) Mustafa Adiguzel (WMO ETR)
EVENTS CALENDAR STRUCTURE After several discussions with the Global Campus Task Team it was concluded that EUMETSAT’s calendar and API provided the best platform on which to build the WMO Calendar. EUMETSAT fully supported this direction. Eventually, EUMETSAT’s API and database will be migrated to CIMH’s servers. An Illustration Of The Processes Involved In Supporting The Event Calendar
The HOME PAGE of WMOLearn Events Calendar
List of Upcoming Events
Searching: 22 results were returned from the search term “barbados”
An Advance Search can be done with several criteria provided
An alternative view of events can be seen through the Calendar Mode
A clicked event displays a popup box showing a summary of the event Clicking “more details” will give the user more details about the event
Single View after clicking “more details”
A User Guide is provided to use and navigate the Events Calendar
Future Work Migrate EUMETSAT’s API and Database to CIMH’s Servers. Continue to enhance the platform by adding useful features based on feedback. Build the capabilities for authorized users from their respective organizations to add events to the web platform. Identify and fixing bugs within the web platform.
Thanks! Contact us: Dr. David Farrell dfarrell@cimh.edu.bb Daison Lowe dlowe@cimh.edu.bb Branden Spooner bspooner@cimh.edu.bb Website: www.cimh.edu.bb