Aristotle I Man as a Political Animal 授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】
Man as a Political Animal 1. what truly is: complete growth 2. language: political capability 3. without a city: the worst animal 4. come into being for living but exist for living well 5. difference from trade and alliance (just character, affection, noble actions) 6. a community of free person/citizens 2
What each thing truly is What each thing truly is? **when its coming into being is complete is the nature of that thing **for the sake of which a thing exists **its intrinsic and final end **self-sufficiency is the final end 3
Sth. as Self-Sufficiency 1. lacking nothing else 2 Sth. as Self-Sufficiency 1. lacking nothing else 2. not one among many goods but includes all none-instrumental goods that make itself most choiceworthy 3. all by itself makes a life choiceworthy that is what we think happiness does. (NE, Book 1, Chapter 7) 4
Couple/Master-Slave -> Household -> Village -> City Insufficiency -> Sufficiency 5
City Coming into being for the sake of Living Exist for the sake of Living Well (Good Life, most self-sufficient) 6
What is a city (properly speaking)? Citizen “those entitled to participate in an office involving deliberation or decision” City “A multitude of citizens with a view to a self-sufficient life” Political Rule “Ruling and being ruled by persons of similar capacity”
What is a city?(proper) Not only for trade and alliance. 1.Care for the quality of other citizens. Law makes citizens just and good 2. Affection as an intentional choice of living together: location, inter-marriage, festivals, passtimes 3. Noble actions(living happily and finely) (1280a30-1281a10)
What is the end of any actions and decisions What is the end of any actions and decisions? an end: that for the sake of which we do sth. act for the sake of an end A-> for the sake of an end B->for…end C ->…->…> -> the one final end in every action (highest good/all-inclusive good/(overall)happiness) 9
Happiness and Activities Quality of happiness
human virtue (of character) requires 1. nature (as spontaneous inclinations, talent) 2. habit (learning as habituation) (acquire correct desires, feelings, pleasures and pains) 3. prudence (actions and decisions) know both universals and particulars(experience) 11
Best Person/A Prudent Man Human Virtue: Excellence in leading a good life (best at being a human being) (moderation, courage, justice, prudence) 12
Knowledge of a Good Life: life’s highest good is the overall, all-inclusive good for the individual (Ethics) for the city (Political Science) Political Science is the Ruling Science (prudence about actions, not scientific knowledge, not craft) 13
The hesitation to change law/regime ‘Law has no strength with respect to obedience apart from habit, and this is not created except over a period of time.’ (1269a20) 2. ‘The part of the city that wants the regime to continue must be superior to the part not wanting it.’ (1296b15)
版權聲明 what truly is……person/citizens when its coming ……is the final end 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 1 本作品轉載自 設計範本,造訪日期:2016年09月13日 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 2 what truly is……person/citizens 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 3 when its coming ……is the final end 4 lacking nothing else……happiness does Aristotle, Nicomachean EthicsBook 1, Chapter 7
版權聲明 Couple/Master……Sufficiency City……self-sufficient Citizen 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 5 Couple/Master……Sufficiency 文字提供:國立臺灣大學陳嘉銘 6 City……self-sufficient 7 Citizen “thoseentitled……persons of similar capacity” Aristotle, The Politics 2nd Edition, trans with intro by Carnes Lord (University of Chicago, 2013), Book 1, chap1 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 8 Not only for trade and alliance……Noble actions(living happily and finely) Aristotle, The Politics 2nd Edition, trans with intro by Carnes Lord (University of Chicago, 2013,1280a30-1281a10
版權聲明 What is the end ……happiness Best Person……prudence 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 9 What is the end ……happiness 文字提供:國立臺灣大學陳嘉銘 12 Best Person……prudence 13 Knowledge of a Good Life……not craft 14 Law has no ……a period of time Aristotle, The Politics 2nd Edition, trans with intro by Carnes Lord (University ), 1269a20 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 The part of the ……part not wanting it Aristotle, The Politics 2nd Edition, trans with intro by Carnes Lord (University ), 1296b15