Constitutional Underpinnings What is politics?
With a partner discuss what the word power means to you. Think Pair Share
What words come to mind when you hear the word “politics”? Does the word have a more positive or negative connotation? Word Association
Politics With a partner discuss your definition of politics. The ability of one person to get to another person to act in accordance with the first person’s intentions Politics
A neutral view of politics All of us are political, we’re just not used to calling it that. You don’t have to take a class to get politics. Aristotle was correct when he wrote, “Man is by nature a political animal.” A neutral view of politics
Machiavelli’s name is synonymous with tough and dirty politics Author of The Prince. One of history’s first political scientists. Machiavelli
Machiavelli Quotes “The ends justify the means.” “It is better to be feared than loved.” “By no means can a prudent ruler keep his word. Because all men are bad and do not keep promises to you, you likewise do not have to keep your promises to them.” Machiavelli Quotes
Can we be hopeful about politics? Democratic Republican
Political Power Authority – right to use power Legitimacy – political authority conferred by law or constitution Political Power
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Social Contract Theory “The only valid government is one based on the consent of the governed.” - Locke Rulers and citizens enter into an agreement, or a social contract Government by the people, masses Social Contract Theory
Locke’s influence on the US “A state also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another… - John Locke, of Civil Government “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal.” - Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence Locke’s influence on the US
Social Contract Theory Movie “Lord of the Flies” How does the video clip show Locke’s ideas? Social Contract Theory
How is Political power distributed? Theories of American Representative Government.
Can uneducated/poor people be trusted? Direct Democracy – citizens create/vote on laws New England Town Meeting Aristotle’s view Problems 1. Impractical for reasons of time, expertise How do you get 300 million people to vote multiple times per day on issues they no nothing about? 2. Masses of people make unwise decisions based on emotions (Hitler was elected) “The masses are turbulent and changing and seldom judge or determine right.” -Alexander Hamilton Can uneducated/poor people be trusted?
Representative Democracy (Republic) Citizens elect representatives through competitive elections Gov’t MEDIATES popular views “Will of the people” ≠ “Common interest” EX. Lower gas prices, minority rights Reps are educated on issues at hand 6 phone calls will get a Congressman’s attention Prevents fast, sweeping change Minority rights more likely to be protected Representative Democracy (Republic)
Theories explaining how democracies ACTUALLY function Majoritarian Theory = leaders are forced to follow the wishes of the people because majority rules 2. Pluralist Theory = groups compete and compromise with each other to get the gov’t to do what they want 3. Elite Theory = groups or people who possess the most more power (money or influence) dominate gov’t 4. Bureaucratic Theory = appointed officials dominate the gov’t through unelected jobs
Modern society consists of many groups (ex Modern society consists of many groups (ex. Economic, religious, cultural, ethnic.) that compete with each other to achieve goals Groups that influence gov’t, work hard, and have largest membership get what they want Even if the average citizen does not keep up with politics, their interests will be protected by their group. Groups must COMPROMISE to achieve goals Pluralism
Arguments for and against the Pluralist view Relatively low numbers of people join interest groups. Poor citizens have less opportunity to join interest groups or contribute to them. One can’t assume that group decisions are always in the best interest of the nation. There is no unified majority in the US that always acts together. Gov’t leaders must please groups to gain votes and money to be reelected. Groups must compete for gov’t services and favorable laws.
The Elite When circumstances don’t permit majoritarian decision making, then a group of officials will have to act without knowing and perhaps not caring about what the people want. Views will be of the people shaping the policy not necessarily what the people want.
The actual distribution of political power will depend on the political elite who are actually involved in the policy making. By elite we mean an identifiable group of persons who possess a disproportionate share of some valued resource
Marxist Theory (Elite) Control the economic system = control the political system. Politicians require massive funding to win elections, and rely on corporations to supply them. Marxist Theory (Elite)
Class View Based on Karl Marx’s idea that government is merely a reflection of underlying economic forces, primarily the pattern of ownership of the means of production Government is controlled by business owners(bourgeoisie) until a revolution replaces them with the laborers(proletariat). Today based on “the rich” or the leaders of multinational corporations Class View
The Power Elite View The Power Elite View American democracy is dominated by a few top leaders, many of them wealthy or privately powerful, and not in office Examples would be business leaders, military officials, labor union leaders, mass media executives, and heads of a few special interest groups The Power Elite View
Bureaucratic View Bureaucratic View Created by Max Weber In order to become successful a government puts its affairs in the hands of appointed bureaucrats whose competence is essential to the management of complex affairs These appointed bureaucrats are invisible and behind the scenes, but actually make policy
These are only theories These are only theories. They are people’s perception of our democracy and the way it functions. Which theory is correct??? Pluralist – most popular today Majoritarian – popular pre-1950’s Elite – rising since the 80’s Bureaucratic – gov’t spending more than ever before just to run itself A Reminder…