Food Safety Quiz Developed by Dr Food Safety Quiz Developed by Dr. Barbara Brown PhD, RD Food Specialist – OSU Extension
KITCHEN SAFETY QUIZ why are these places important?
Kitchen safety review Hands should be rinsed in water for at least 5 seconds before preparing foods and after handling raw meats? True False B is correct. Hands should be washed often in warm, soapy water throughout meal preparation--especially after handling raw meats and eggs--for at least 20 seconds to help prevent the spread of bacteria. It’s important to use soap. Water may get rid of visible dirt but not bacteria. It is estimated that proper hand washing could eliminate nearly half of all cases of foodborne illness.
False 20 seconds
Kitchen safety review One way to prevent cross- contamination is to use two cutting boards, one strictly for meats, poultry and seafood and another for ready-to- eat foods. True False A is correct. Using two cutting boards helps reduce your risk of cross-contamination by preventing the spread of harmful bacteria. When juices from raw meats or germs from unclean objects accidentally touch cooked or ready-to-eat foods (such as fruits or salads), cross-contamination occurs. A good tip--color-code your cutting boards (i.e. use a green board for vegetables and blue strictly for meats).
Kitchen safety review After cutting meat on a cutting board, the best way to clean a cutting board is to: Wipe off with a clean sponge Wash in hot water with soap Wash in hot water with soap, then sanitize in chlorine bleach solution, then rinse with clean water All of the above are acceptable C is correct. Special precaution needs to be taken after cutting raw meats on your board. First, clean thoroughly with hot soapy water, then disinfect with chlorine bleach or other sanitizing solution, and last rinse in clean water. To make your own bleach solution, dilute 1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach in 1 quart water.
C. Wash in hot water with soap, then sanitize in chlorine bleach solution, then rinse with clean water
Kitchen safety review A meat/cooking thermometer is the only reliable way to check the doneness of meats, poultry, egg dishes and leftovers. True False A is correct. Harmful bacteria are destroyed when food is cooked to proper internal temperatures. A meat/cooking thermometer is the ONLY reliable way to ensure safety and determine the doneness of food. What’s more, your meat will cook to perfection. Buy a meat thermometer and use it! In general the thermometer should be placed in the thickest part of the food, away from bone, fat or gristle. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to calibrate (check the accuracy of) the thermometer.
Food safety review Leftover foods should be reheated to ________oF. Doesn’t matter C is correct. Leftover foods should be cooked to 165oF. To be safe, food must be cooked to an internal temperature high enough to destroy harmful bacteria. Buy a meat thermometer and use it!
C. 165oF, at least
Food safety review Meat, fish and poultry should be defrosted _____________. On the counter In the refrigerator In the microwave In the refrigerator or microwave D is correct. It is safe to defrost food in both the refrigerator and the microwave. If you defrost in the refrigerator, remember to cover raw meat and place it on the bottom shelf so raw juices don’t drip onto other foods. If using the microwave oven, meat thawed must be cooked immediately afterward.
D. In the refrigerator or microwave
Food safety review The proper temperature for a home refrigerator should be below 40oF. True False A is correct. Make sure your refrigerator is set below 40oF. Refrigerating foods at a proper temperature slows the growth of bacteria and reduces the risk of foodborne illness. Monitor your refrigerator’s temperature by keeping a thermometer inside your refrigerator at all times.
Food safety review As a rule of thumb, foods should not stay out of refrigeration for more than ______ hours. In hot weather (90oF or warmer) this time is reduced to ______ hour(s). 4, 3 3, 1 3, 2 2, 1 D is correct. Leftover foods should not be out of refrigeration for more than two hours because they are exposed to temperatures above 40oF, where harmful bacteria multiply rapidly. In hot weather (90oF or warmer), this time is reduce to one hour.
D. 2, 1
Food safety review Which is the most important food safety practice? Wash hands often Keep raw meats and ready-to-eat foods separated Cook to proper temperatures Refrigerate promptly below 40oF All of the above E is correct. All four tips are equally important to take control of home food safety.
All of the above