Barbara Hockey Policy Advisor HSE
Today’s presentation Strategy – launch and progress so far Supporting small business – what HSE does Tackling the perceptions of health and safety
A record to be proud One of the safest working countries in the world Mature system of regulation - experienced and committed participants Together, we can make the health and safety system even better
Challenges It will be stretching to drive further Need to resist temptation to set disproportionate standards Health issues to be a priority
Six key strategy themes
Acting together We all have an active part to play in implementing the strategy Need collective ownership Collaborate in reaching those not engaged
Tackling ill-health In 2015 - 13,000 deaths work-related lung disease/ cancer - 1.2 m - work-related illness Early intervention more cost effective Wider collaboration on health agenda
Supporting small employers Reaching all SMEs is challenging HSE has simplified legislation and guidance, produced specific tools Large businesses can offer support/mentor
Managing risk well Not excessive paperwork Focus on significant risks Sensible and proportionate H&S professionals have a key role
Keeping pace with change Increase HSE’s world-leading research capabilities Horizon-scanning expertise – changes to the world of work Innovation and new technologies
Sharing success Sharing good practice, both at home and abroad Promoting our goal-based approach overseas, making it easier for British businesses to expand into new markets
HSE’s contribution Continue as the prime mover in the health and safety system Work with industry, co-regulators and across government to keep regulation simple and effective We need to act together - talk, share ideas and set the right direction for the future
Supporting small business Supporting small business is not a new issue but continues to be a recurring theme for all regulators. The new strategy will help to emphasise the specific challenge of supporting small business
Work with stakeholders Small Business Trade Association Forum Industry groups Small Business focus groups Trade Unions Other government departments
Health and Safety Made Simple
Health and Safety Toolbox Toolbox is more comprehensive - covers the basics of risk management, similar to health and safety made simple but then goes into the main hazards in workplaces eg working at height, working with machinery, slips and trips and details how to control the risks Structured that first 4 chapters apply to all businesses how to manage health and safety (what to record, what is competent help, how to report an accident etc) your organisation (health surveillance, ergonomics and human factors, work related stress) Your workers (different types of workers – contractors, migrants, pregnant) Your workplace (welfare facilities, display screen equipment) Then select relevant chapters to the business
Topic – working at height
Health and Safety Policy Template
Risk Assessment Template
Example Risk Assessments
Office Risk Assessment Tool
Raising awareness Good products but who knows about them? Case studies Webinars Conferences International visits
Case Studies Businesses who use HSE guidance Partnership with university 5 videos Real examples Win-win-win see:
Webinars Cross government working to reach small business audience Joint webinar with HM Revenue & Customs Regulatory requirements - taxation and health and safety
Webinars Signpost guidance and tools with a fictional case study Live presentation – opportunity for Q&A Positive feedback Reached over 8000 businesses Developing more webinars
SME Safety Wizard - app External developer Used Toolbox material 12.5k downloads in first year iOS and Android compatible
Perceptions of health and safety Negative media stories Common language – ‘can’t do because of health and safety’ Limited opportunities to put the record straight Result: ‘myths’ about what really is a health and safety issue
What is fuelling these myths? media hype compensation culture insurance issues, overzealous H&S consultants lack of understanding of health and safety regulation
Mythbuster Challenge Panel Chair is Martin Temple + 11 independent members with a wide range of interests Each case considered by HSE – advice given to panel to make decision All outcomes published Since 2012 over 400 cases
Fish can’t be filleted at fish counter – “the fish is too slippery”
Perceptions changed? Within 6 months 35% reduction in negative media stories Journalists recognise the difference Public have more confidence to challenge
Summary #HGBWW – ongoing conversation Supporting small business – always a priority Mythbusters Challenge Panel – not ending yet!
Any Questions?