One UN-SPF Initiative Delivering as One on social protection


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Presentation transcript:

One UN-SPF Initiative Delivering as One on social protection SPIAC-B meeting Algiers, 27 April 2017 Valérie Schmitt Deputy Director, Social Protection Department, ILO

SPF-Initiative (SPF-I) “In April 2009, the UN CEB launched the Social Protection Floor Initiative (SPF-I) ... we ask Resident Co-ordinators and UNCTs to consider a number of specific steps to advance this work ...” - UNDG Chair Helen Clark and ILO Director- General Guy Ryder in letter to all UNRCs/UNCTs March 2014 Creation of national joint SPF teams Supporting national dialogues Conducting joint assessments Integrating SPF into national development plans Building national statistical capacities STEPS

1 2 3 Level/venue Activities Outputs IMPLEMENTATION OF SDG 1.3 Create regional Thematic Working Groups on SP/SPF Jointly develop knowledge products and guidelines Integrate SP/SPF into regional UNDG work plans Support UNCTs/UNRCs Create national SPF Task Teams Conduct joint activities at national level (e.g. dialogue, gaps assessment, coordinated delivery mechanisms, etc.) Integrate SPF into UNDAFs, SDG implementation plans   Include SPF in UN staff and national delegate trainings Develop global knowledge/guides Develop and maintain a global social protection database based on administrative data Regional policy messages, tool-kits, best practice guides, and training events Global policy messages, guidelines, training packages and monitoring for SDG 1.3 Extension of national SPFs, increased coverage levels 1 UNDG/DOCO GLOBAL 2 REGIONAL  UNDG REGION 3 UNCTs NATIONAL  IMPLEMENTATION OF SDG 1.3

NATIONAL ACTIONS IN AFRICA ETHIOPIA: - Multi-UN, stakeholder “Social Protection Platform” - Joint support for “National Social Protection Policy” and joint costing exercises completed UN SP/F Task Teams as part of UNTCs Organize joint activities among Team members: Assessments National dialogue Coordinated delivery etc. UN joint programmes Work with government to integrate SP/F into UNDAFs Conduct SP/F national trainings for UNCTs (e.g. TRANSFORM) MOZAMBIQUE: - One UN joint programme on SPFs - Joint support for National Basic Social Security strategy and costing NIGER: Joint participation in several national dialogue on workshops on the social protection floor in Niger At the national level, joint teams with representation from a wide array of UN agencies have been formed to facilitate social protection reform and expansion efforts of government, supported by the UN. In the formation of joint teams with multi-agency representation (and in some cases with multi-ministerial representation, as well), governments have a single UN interlocutor with which to negotiate and plan development activities. This serves to eliminate redundancies and avoid ad-hoc projects without sufficient scale or without links to larger strategies and objectives. In many cases, it can also foster efficient divisions of labour among UN agencies based on core competencies and make better use of development dollars. Joint assessments have been carried out by UN agencies in Thailand, Mozambique and most recently in Mongolia. They are being carried out now in Niger, the Philippines and Kyrgyzstan, among other countries. In addition to carrying out assessments, joint UN social protection floors teams can also help improve delivery of social protection benefits by increasing coordination among government actors involved in social protection programs, including the establishment of one-stop shop distribution centers (or single-window service points) like in Cambodia. These teams can also help in integrating development plans into a social protection floor pillar of the UNDAFs, or other UN-Government development plans. Under the umbrella of SPF-I activities, national trainings are also envisaged to sensitize national and other in-country UN staff on social protection floors.

REGIONAL & Global levels ASIA-PACIFIC: - R-UNDG Thematic Working Group on social protection - Joint Issues Brief on social protection published 2014 - Joint tool-kit on social protection coordination published 2016 Global level: The SPF-I jointly managed by ILO and UNDG global A common website keeps track of the progress made The experience useful for the post 2015 Agenda Training with UN SSC LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN: - Paper on SPFs in LAC with inputs from ILO, PAHO , ECLAC, UNFPA , UNICEF, UN Women , UNESCO, HelpAge International and OEA / RIPSO - Joint compendium on national dialogues planned and pensions note EUROPE - CENTRAL ASIA: - Thematic Working Group established in May 2015; Joint Report under development (Istambul, 28 April 2017) ARAB STATES: - Thematic Working Group established in March 2016; Joint Report under development AFRICA: - UNDG Thematic Working Group was proposed at UNDG meeting in Botswana, 4-5 April 2017. WESTERN-CENTRAL AFRICA: - Joint Issues Brief on SP draft ready EASTERN-SOUTHERN AFRICA: Joint Issues Brief on SP (published in 2016)