www.timeforkids.com (see « Around the World » tab) Chers Parents, As I’m sure you are aware, we have been learning all about the world in 2 FG! We have been working hard on creating our flip books of various countries! Throughout this unit there has been a gradual shift of responsibility. We began by looking at countries together that I had prepared, and since then students have been working in partners to research their own countries and are now very self sufficient. It is now time for each student to research their own country. I would suggest discussing your family heritage, as this will lead into our next area of study, although students can research any country of their choosing. I would prefer that students not select a country that we have already worked on. ( Please see your son/daughter’s flip book to confirm countries). Your child has been taught how to complete the research for this project, and this should be completed with relative ease. Research will be done in English, while their presentations will be in French. Please see the rubric for the list of requirements. I will provide class time to work on this, however research at home is encouraged. Students can use the large paper provided to display their drawings/findings. We will present on Friday. February 26th. Sites used for research: Thank you for your support, and please don’t hesitate to contact me. Mme. Galamb www.timeforkids.com (see « Around the World » tab) www.kiddle.co (This is a kid friendly search engine that displays results with pictures and carefully selected websites.)
All material is presented clearly Student feedback for: ________________________ Area of Study: Social Studies - “describe selected communities around the world, with reference to their major physical features, wildlife, and some aspects of their culture.” Goal: I can research and present a country to my classmates. Success Criteria Level 1- Having difficulty Level 2 – Some success Level 3 – Mostly Successful Level 4 – All material is presented clearly I can research a country of my choice, using a variety of resources. I can present my material using a clear voice, with proper pronunciation and intonation. (1-3 minutes) I can locate and draw a country’s flag. I can locate a country’s hemisphere and which continent it is located in. I can find an important building, structure or physical feature. I can find a type of food that people eat in my chosen country. I can find an important animal or plant. I can draw what people look like in my chosen country, focusing my attention on clothing. (ie. I drew my person wearing shorts because it is hot in Australia.) Next step: ________________________________ ________________________________________ Overall Level
Ma Page de Planification drapeau Un plat typique L’hémisphère nord ou sud? animal/ plante Un batîment
J’ai trouvé l’hémispère. J’ai trouvé le continent. Mon pays: ________________________ J’ai un drapeau. J’ai trouvé l’hémispère. J’ai trouvé le continent. J’ai trouvé la nourriture. (plat typique) J’ai trouvé un batîment. J’ai trouvé un animal ou une plante. J’ai dessiné un personne de mon pays. Je peux expliquer ce que j’ai appris. Nom: ________________________